Liberal Psychopathy
Dr.Michael J. Baglino
Author, Contributing Writer at 'The Catholic Journal' and 'Catholic 365'
Psychopathy and Liberalism by Dr. Michael Baglino, Ed. D.
Let’s start off with Nancy Pelosi. She’s not crazy. I’m not certain on that, but definitely has psychopathic personality traits. Her daughter has had some interesting things to say about her though, like “She’ll slit your throat and you won’t even notice it.” Revenge at any cost, that’s her motto and the calling card of a psychopath. Our country can be sacrificed for the sake of getting President Trump and it feels so good to her.
In public the persona is her sweetness, calm demeaner. “I am a liberal” she will tell you. “I must be wonderful”, she believes of herself. “I love our immigrants, our minorities, our underprivileged” as she arrives in Washington, D. C. straight from her secluded, gated community in posh Marin County. A shallowness of pretending to love their constituents – the poor, hungry, homeless, minority and immigrant population is easily feigned.
Yet her deviousness outdoes it all, leading her followers, weaseling her way through the maize of D. C. bureaucracy with false charges of Russian collusion, spinning interpretations of legitimate phone calls by the President to foreign dignitaries in the Ukraine and elsewhere. The mindless followers believe, and the media perpetuates the propaganda. Then when exposed as falsehoods, she doesn’t care and just moves on to another. Cold, lack of remorse, lack of guilt, rather sociopathic too.
So, let’s backtrack to an understanding of what is psychopathology. Psychopathologies are mental disorders originating in genetic, biological, psychological, and social causes. They are personality disorders, imbalances common in all, but become pathological as a matter of degree resulting in toxic and destructive behaviors for both the victim [us] and the perpetrator [her]. Thus, these things will come back to haunt her. No one escapes his/her sins.
The quest for power is a prime example of an individual with psychopathic tendencies. Not all politicians are psychopathic of course. Thomas Erikson, author of “Surrounded by Psychopaths’ tells us that only two presidents that he knows of since Franklin Roosevelt did not have serious personality disorders – Harry Truman and Jimmy Carter. I thought Dwight Eisenhower was OK. Oh well. Anyway, with that search for power is a self-consciousness of high estimation in oneself. They believe greatness is a part of their persona. It is only pathological when that belief is exaggerated. Nancy is hot stuff, so her personality tells her and us. It is arrogance posing as righteousness. And man, people who call themselves liberals sure can be arrogant. Flirting with and imposing their Marxist ideology tells them and us that they are so enlightened.
Further, her cunning and deviousness is only outlived by the Democratic party in general, again cutting through the intricacies of law and bureaucracy and deceiving the public. Loyalty to the bureaucracy and its agenda is masked by words of charm, concern for our health, and the ever so popular terms used by the social justice crowd – racism, diversity, inequality. These are as the tools used by the Bolsheviks in support of the Soviet Union and illustrated by Russian author Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s “Gulag Archipelago.” It is all so superficial and manipulative at the same time.
The party and her constant use of defense mechanism of projection is probably their most psychopathic trait. Nothing she accuses her opponents [President Trump of course] can also be attributed to herself, of course not. But that stone remains in her eye. Just can’t see it, or again just doesn’t care. Or, she is just bullying her way for more power as the Bolsheviks, Maoists, Khmer Rouge and Castroites did. Latest case is her complicity in the summer riots of Portland, Minneapolis, Seattle, New York, previously Ferguson as peaceful demonstrations as opposed to the recent siege of the Capitol Building. Now of course she praises the police. There are literally hundreds of cases illustrating this psychological phenomenon over the last 4 years. Just as the citizenry got tired of the 24/7 and 4 years of constant obsessive hatred of President Trump [psychotic for sure], the citizenry got tired of their liberal hypocrisy. Somebody ought to write a book about it.
OK, let’s end with Nancy Pelosi. She’s their leader and this is enough pathology for one essay, even though there is so much more.