Liberal Insider - Issue 17 (2023)
ALDE Party
The home of European Liberals since 1976, committed to changing Europe and the world one election at a time ????
European liberals mark World Press Freedom Day
3 May marks the 30th anniversary of World Press Freedom Day, proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1993. Three decades later, the fight for press freedom remains critical, with attacks on media freedom, journalists and access to information on the rise globally.
Freedom of expression is a core value for Europe’s liberals, and ALDE Party continues to fight to protect and strengthen press freedom wherever it is at risk. A free and independent media is essential for democratic and open societies and plays an important role as a driver for all human rights.
She Will Be Heard: The Movie premieres today
The first-ever documentary film from ALDE Party and The Alliance Of Her, She Will Be Heard, premieres this evening, 3 May, in Brussels. The film features Aoife, Katrīna and Elena, three young women in politics from different corners of Europe, as they fight to overcome challenges and make their voices heard. Follow the premiere event live on Instagram this evening at @theallianceofher
Mouvement Réformateur puts employment on the agenda
On 1 May, liberals from Mouvement Réformateur, one of ALDE Party’s members in Belgium, gathered for their annual event to highlight and show appreciation for workers. Ahead of federal elections in 2024, the party aims to implement labour market reforms to increase the country’s employment rate to 80% by 2023, while reducing employment costs, addressing labour shortages for in-demand sectors and ensuring opportunities for young people. To do this, party leader Georges-Louis Bouchez proposed new stimulus payments to incentivise employment in shortage sectors, while limiting unemployment benefits to two years to ensure a balanced budget.
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Published by the ALDE Party with the support of the European Parliament. The sole liability rests with the author; the European Parliament is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.