“Liberal Democracy” Means Making Up Your Own Definition of Democracy
This title was inspired by Yuval Noah Harari's latest tweet:
"Democracy’s under threat, in Israel & other countries. In a democracy the winner shouldn’t take it all. If they do, it’s no longer a democracy. The most precious aspect of liberal democracy isn’t majority rule, but limiting the power of the ruler in order to protect citizen rights." Yuval Noah Harari
Since when isn't Democracy about the majority ruling?? Stated by an "influencer historian" no less. Once again I have to say how sad it is that such intelligent people will say anything to justify themselves in the eyes of their followers. They'll do whatever necessary to be aligned with the current agenda/trend and don't really care what happens to people.
The people that do care are less concerned with left and right, and are mainly thinking about how to maintain our existence here in Israel.
It's shocking to see the protesters labeled "heroes of the new culture." Watch the anti-government movement go into full protest mode again this Saturday evening, despite the escalating violence throughout Israel and crises around the world. All their mannerisms and PR gimmicks have been adopted from cultures abroad. None of it comes from the Israeli culture. Going out to yell and protest is not our way.
We were always really good at talking things out - like people do in a family. That's the true Israeli spirit - everyone talking at once. Being really passionate about our opinions. Voices may have been raised quite a bit, but there was always something binding us together.
All the bad vibes here in Israel being fueled by the protest and ugly social media campaigns are fully funded and supported by very high wealth individuals abroad.
It's the same very powerful super wealthy group that chased the Republicans out of the White House. They have unlimited funds and justify everything they do being in name of "democracy".
Hopefully soon, we'll learn merge all these opinions regarding our common purpose, and transform them from negative to positive energy.