Liar, liar …
Odds are that easily 75 percent of what you will read as ‘fact’ on this or any social media platform today is a bald-faced lie. If what you’re reading is political, that percentage probably ramps up to 90 or more.
Yet millions of people who are otherwise reasonably intelligent will not only eat up that phony information but probably challenge others to share or repost or otherwise aid and abet the spewing of it.
And this goes on, unchecked, all the time, because people who run these entities don’t really care about anything but advertising and profits and, they will argue, it really isn’t hurting anyone and that truly smart people will see through it.
Trouble is, that ain’t necessarily so. It has caused great harm to innocent people, even driven some to suicide or worse.
Sorting fact from fiction should be easy, right? Honestly, who really believes that wearing facemasks during a pandemic is a hoax or politically motivated? I mean, really.
All the experts who tell us what we need to do are puppets. Politicians who’ve never set foot in an emergency room and who probably flunked biology in high school are way smarter than the Anthony Faucis and Robert Redfields of the world.
Surely we all should believe that governors in places like South Carolina and Georgia and Florida and so on are genuinely sincere, concerned individuals who put the safety of the people in their states ahead of political expediency.
Cram all those kids back together in classrooms in a few weeks. Let ‘em wear masks if they want to, but don’t require it, and to hell with the schoolteachers who’ll get this horrible disease and die.
That’s essentially what they’re saying and every last one of them should be run out of office. There was a time we’d have tied them to a rail, covered them with tar…you get the idea.
Listen up, America. You’re NOT STUPID, so stop acting like it.
The very same people who work so hard to put a political or otherwise nefarious stamp on all this don’t give a flying you-know-what about you or me, particularly if you’re in what they call a ‘target group’ age-wise or health-wise. You’re gonna die anyway, so what difference does it make?
Are you reading how idiotic this is?
The genuine experts have told us that if we do something as simple as wear a face mask for, oh, four to six weeks, we stand a good chance of knocking the Covid toll closer to zero, after which we can all get back to business as usual, more or less.
What’s the big deal? What’s your life worth?
Grow up. Grow a pair, as some say. A little piece of cloth anchored by strings around your ears is way more comfortable than being intubated or strapped to a ventilator.
Let’s put all this crap behind us, knock it for a loop, get back to life as we once knew it.
It’s really that simple.
You want life to go on? Then do something about it.
Gardener at Retired and enjoying life
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