LGBTIQ+ Domestic Violence Awareness Day - Saturday, 28 May 2022
Jess Mitchell
Advocate | Inclusion | Diversity | Equity | Accessibility | Disability | LGBTIQA+ | Epilepsy | Lived experience
Domestic and Family Violence is something most people know about.
But did you know, more than 50% of LGBTIQ+ people will experience domestic, family or intimate partner violence and abuse in their lifetime.
Societal norms generally associate domestic violence to be between a man and woman. These norms and the lack of discussion about domestic and family violence in LGBTIQ+ relationship is one of the many barrier.
To explain the barriers and importance, check out The Project, Same Sex | Domestic Violence segment ( which aired on 15 June 2020.
It's time to change the narrative! To help LGBTIQ+ victims to be #SeenAndBelieved
To understand how you can play a role in recognising the signs and responding, check out the LGBTQ Domestic Violence Awareness Foundation | How bystanders can help someone experiencing domestic or family violence ( video.