LFI: CR TrendLines Topical Report: 2017 Versus 2007: Lining up Large LBO Credit Stats and Covenant Terms
Leveraged loan transactions have grown more aggressive in recent years relative to the post-credit-crunch period. On that, there is no debate. The question about whether today’s deals are pushing toward the excesses of prior cycles, therefore, has become a popular topic of conversation among market professionals and in the press.
To provide some context, Covenant Review compared the initial credit profile and key loan document terms of 12 LBOs from 2007, when the prior cycle peaked, to the 12 largest deals from 2017 (please click HERE for the list of deals covered for each sample set). What follows are Covenant Review’s headline observations. Please view our website, www.levfininsights, for further details on each:
Credit Profile—Lower Initial Debt Multiples/Higher Pro Forma EBITDA Adjustments
Document Terms—More Flexibility, Fewer Tests
Implications of Today’s Credit and Document Profile
Post-Script: Liquidity Factors in Play
For our full report, and our supporting data, please see our website, www.levfininsights.com
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