Lexicon too, tests Positive
Some you want to some you don’t want to know
There is family and there are friends,
Some are just thrown together
Some just for the sake of social media trends;
Some you know don’t matter
So you don’t intend to know
Some seem to be controlling your destiny
Who for sure feel like your worst foe;
The faster we run and the higher we fly
We try go past people on a sly,
Crammed elevator is virtually empty
Mobile is there to not see eye to eye;
It’s a race, human race
It’s a race though about running like fanatics,
It’s a race to be won and not one race
What’s in it for me trumps over genetics;
We feel for what would help us win the race
Yes we work together but can’t work together,
We are human beings but not human
We are strangers though we know each other;
It’s a global village
The Earth is but a tiny spec within the universe,
I, me, myself is but
The dominant verse
Lexicon is growing with conundrums
Oxymorons, contradictions and paradoxes,
The faster we run the higher we fly
I don’t think I know, multiplies with success;
Connected has been disconnected with dis-connect
Most of us are perhaps homo sapiens,
But dogs feel more loyal
Humans more like aliens;
As corona virus multiplies however
You realize we are all but homo sapiens
Perhaps time to remove from the lexicon
Unfamiliar, strangers, at-odds, aliens;
Like it or not
Dislike frown or cringe,
From one to the other to the other
Virus infects the lexicon to change;
Family could infect you as much
As much the one you don’t intend to know,
Entire #humanity is but all related in this deadly chain
Though you may believe one is friend the other a foe;
Lexicon too, tests Positive
Don’t know, strangers, but why should I,
Infection to inflexion, chaos to change
Be cognizant of the relatedness or prepare to die!