Leviosa is live and we need your help!
The most comprehensive wellness solution: www.leviosa.us.

Leviosa is live and we need your help!

This is an exciting time for Leviosa Wellness - the product is now live with the most comprehensive offering to improve wellness. We curate and present the best content spread out over 15+ categories. Why so many categories? Well, because there are many different ways to improve wellness, and what works for one person (e.g., yoga) may not work for another. Further, something may work for you today, but a few weeks later, you may want to do something different!

You see, choice and variety are very important to improve wellness over time. So our categories include fitness/workouts, yoga, meditation, stress relief, brain teasers, virtual vacations, pep talks, fun activities, kids fitness, kids yoga, and more!

In addition, we have built powerful features to help users -- mood check in, virtual guru recommendations, favorites, history, add wellness time to your calendar, etc.

Check it out at www.leviosa.us with a free trial! Sign up as an individual ($3.99/mo), family ($6.99/mo), or choose from a cost effective plan for your company, starting at $59/mo for all employees. For employers, we offer powerful self-service features, including: personalize site colors, add company logo, manage billing & users, add custom content for your employees, and more!

We need your help!

Our followers (you!!) are very important for us. As we gear up to scale the offering, would you please help us? How you ask? Here are a few ways:

  1. Please like / share / repost our LinkedIn content - we have our own posts and coverage in other blogs and articles coming soon! On May 23rd, we will be featured on Purpose Jobs' site - check it out, and share with your LinkedIn contacts! (https://www.purpose.jobs/blog/modern-leadership-managing-people-with-empathy)
  2. Spread the word with your company's HR/Benefits team - we would love to partner with them to bring Leviosa to your company as an employee benefit. Feel free to CC [email protected] if you like or ask your HR/Benefits colleagues to message us on that address.
  3. Sign up for an individual / family plan - free trials are available. Go to www.leviosa.us and you'll be up and running in 2 mins!

Help us improve wellness around the world, one person and one company at a time!


