Leveraging Strengths for Effective Supply Chain Leadership
Kroopa Gandhi
Honors Supply Chain Management & Information Systems Graduate of the University of Arkansas
In my Honors Supply Chain Colloquium, led by Dr. Donnie Williams , my goal was to learn how to become an effective leader in the field of supply chain. The class delves deeply into leadership and the topics related to it. To know what type of leader you will become, it is important to know who you are and what your strengths are. I had the opportunity to take the Strength Finders Assessment from Gallup. The Clifton Strength assessment is a tool that allows people to identify their natural strengths and talents. The results are used to create a report that ranks the tester’s top five strengths out of 34 possible ones. These were my top 5 dominant strengths:
Initial Reactions to My Top Five Strengths
Initially, I did not know what many of the strengths meant. But reading more about the book in it, I was very surprised at how accurate they were. My Executing domain strengths, Deliberative and Arranger, were very relatable. After thinking about them and how I witness them in my daily life, I realized how true they were. From carefully weighing options in my decision-making, to organizing tasks and resources, it was enlightening to see these strengths into perspective. My other strengths (Relator, Learner, and Futuristic) were very straightforward, as they reflect my natural tendencies to deepen existing relationships, my passion to seek continuous growth, and my envision of my future.
Leadership Style and My Strengths
Leadership can be defined in many ways. In class, we define it as “a process whereby an individual influences a group of other individuals to achieve a common goal.” Leadership styles will always change based on the group that you are going to lead. Leadership is not a one-size-fits-all process. A great leader will leverage these strengths to empower others.
Relator – Leaders with strong relator talent tend to excel in building and deepening relationships. They tend to build trust with team members by fostering open communication, collaboration, and a supportive work environment. I will take time to understand each member's strengths, challenges, and goals to create an inclusive work environment.
Learner – Leaders with this strength tend to be committed to personal and professional growth and adapt to change and uncertainty. My curiosity and openness to new knowledge can help me develop new skills, problem-solving, and exploration of new ideas. They tend to foster a culture where members can seek learning opportunities, share insights, and collaborate.
Deliberative – Leaders make thoughtful and careful decisions. I take time to analyze all the information, weigh in risks and benefits, and consult with others before making impactful choices. I can lead with a stable and considered approach, ensuring that our team navigates challenges and achieves objectives effectively.
Futuristic – Leaders tend to focus on long-term goals and envision future possibilities. This relates to my deliberative strength very well, as both go hand in hand in the future. I am constantly thinking about what could be and how to position myself and my team for emerging opportunities. I lead with a clear vision, guiding my team toward a shared, forward-looking goal and encouraging them to embrace change and innovation.
Arranger – Leaders tend to organize resources, tasks, and team members to maximize efficiency and effectiveness. It enables me to effectively manage and coordinate various elements to achieve our goals. I excel at adapting plans and reallocating resources, allowing my team to work seamlessly to achieve our objectives.
Traits to Improve for Effective Leadership
My test results did not include any strengths in the influencing domain, which include strengths in taking charge, speaking up, and making sure others are heard. Knowing myself, I knew that this was a challenge that I already had. I should work on being more articulate, taking charge in decision-making, and expressing my ideas to ensure everyone is going in the right direction. Improving my communication skills will help me be more engaged and inspire others. Also, developing my persuasive skills is crucial and can help me motivate others. Overall, I can enhance my ability to influence others, drive team success, and lead with greater impact with these strengths.
Strengths to Leverage as a Supply Chain Leader
I believe the most important strength that I anticipate using as a supply chain leader is Learner. This strength allows me to strive for continuous improvement and stay updated with the latest trends in the industry. Networking with industry peers and professionals can expose me to new ideas. This can also support my ability to adapt to change, identify innovative solutions, and drive enhancements in our supply chain processes. Collaborating with others can allow for learning different perspectives and can provide insights into the supply chain. This can overall allow for a continuous learning environment which many people strive to achieve.