Leveraging Social Media Advertising

Leveraging Social Media Advertising

Leveraging Social Media Advertising for Successful In-Person Event Hosting

Hosting in-person events using Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn ads is such a clever opportunity. First, run low cost ads targeting an area that you think would work well. After you have an area that is working well, decide what you would want your video to be about, it could be a number of things, I personally would choose something authentic to me or my business. Record the video telling them about your event and what you will be talking about. When you run the video ad, include all the information and a link to a Google Form, in this form you should put in an open-ended question that would give insight into whether or not this person could be a potential customer. Once you have done all this you can then invite the people who gave you the answers you thought to be best and host your event with an audience you would be able to captivate.

If you would like to know how this could be utilised for your business - book a call click here: https://calendly.com/dwilliams-tailoredcreative/30min

Insightful read. Keep up the good work Daniel!



