Leveraging Obstacles
Barry Lewis Green
I am an Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, and Creator ... advancing high functioning Purpose and Unity through elevated conversations, capacities and Character. Let's move forward together, stronger.
Today, I found myself in Emergency. Well, more accurately, I took myself to "Emerge". The past few months in particular, I have been faced with a bit of a mystery going on in my body. Eating much better, drinking my healthy share of water, working out more regularly... and yet a persistent and significant matter clearly stands in the way of my own better health. Modern and alternative approaches and experts are being consulted; you can rest assured. Still, the mystery persists. I know that I am in good and collective hands. I know. That said, two of those hands are my own.
7 Bricks and Stoicism
Of late, I have been studying and reflecting upon KNOWledge and Strength, including digging into what I now call "7 Bricks" from Soul Boom by Rainn Wilson, as 1 of 4 books being read this month. I am reflecting.
That said, I am also now moving onto The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday... to be followed by Stillness is the Key and Discipline is Destiny... all exploring aspects of Stoicism for today's world. It is my current practice of KNOWledge...
Perceptiveness, Initiative and Fortitude
All of this is to say that (a) I have long understood the importance of of?Character?and?Purpose in riding life well (though always as the Student and glad to be) ... and (b) this new book is already helping me see that this "mystery" is "The Way". Indeed, it is The Watcher. In such perception, follows action and will; the three components already identified in the Introduction of The Obstacle is The Way. Think about it. Our Perceptiveness...
... allows us, nay engages us, to "see" the Obstacle in a new light with a healthier, more real sense and practice of Optimism, if you will. That, in turn, enables and even releases our better practice of Initiative...
... in taking the necessary and appropriate action. And such is carried best forward with the Will of Fortitude..
... in moving forward. Indeed and in deed, as I sat in the waiting room this morning, as I sat and consulted with a good and kindly doctor, as I left the hospital with prescriptions in hand, and intentions in heart... I remembered and knew that you cannot be guided unless and until you move. That movement can be found in the open, conscious and reflective (not simply idle) stillness ... as well as the full on charging forward action.
More to Come
I am looking forward to this book... this read and reflection. And, I will be sharing more as I do.
I am even and ever more looking forward to my own practice of Perceptiveness, Initiative and Fortitude in meeting and dealing with this current Obstacle.
That said, what Obstacle or Watcher stands in your way? That is The Way, I humbly offer and contend. And how might Perceptiveness, Initiative and Fortitude help you walk it?
Through my years of work as a business educator, and with The Virtues Project, Personality Dimensions, Ruhi Institute, Dale Carnegie Training, Epic Engage and more, I am sensing that this path into Stoicism for a new age might be the mortar between the bricks on aforementioned content.
Personally, for me, the mystery is still a mystery, but it is now being seen ever more clearly as the Obstacle and The Way... the Teacher, Mentor... and I the Student. "When the swords flash, go forward...". Now off to fulfill prescriptions and get needed rest.
I am my own PEACE of WORK, lol. Aim High.
Justice, Peace and Unity...