Leveraging the Digital space to build your medical practice
Most of us grew up in the late 1900s, watching doctors interact with patients and one another to build their practice. But today’s challenges in the digital world need a different approach, similarly Today’s solutions are not for tomorrow’s problems. So, we need to be futuristic and nimble on our feet to embrace change in this rapidly evolving world.
I decided early in my career that I will not be passive to the changes around me, but an active participant, as the "Mahatma Gandhi" said “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” SO how do we combine "embracing change" and "doing the right thing"?
Let’s Imagine for a second that in your line of work, people see you as the best doctor in the world. And that could be the moral of our story today.
And that is what leveraging the digital world is all about. Recall factor.
What better way to Make people remember you than give them something to be thankful for. Everyone has something someone else needs. I know there are many who need Knowledge, so I share, like what I am doing here. The handbook I wrote to help young cardiac surgeons will be useful to anyone and you can find it by clicking this link: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/handbook-operating-techniques-cardiac-surgery-benedict-raj-rajkumar-/
What do you have to offer the world? Start giving and be remembered. The digital world will not let you down.
Thank you for visiting my blog........... I will be giving you more details shortly. will update soon , keep watching your LinkedIn page.