Leveraging Character Strengths For Personal Growth
Strengths Based Perspective
We all have strengths and weaknesses. When you come across setbacks and challenges in your life, do you focus on your shortcomings or what you’re doing well? I used to spend a significant amount of time worrying about my faults and overlooking what I was good at. I came across the strengths perspective while reading a book on positive psychology about 7 years ago. The basic concept of the strengths perspective is that we get a larger ROI by allocating attention towards developing our core strengths than shoring up weaknesses. I decided to give it a shot and took the free and scientifically based VIA Strengths Survey.
My Experience
Over the past 7 years, I have implemented intentions and routines in my life that integrate these strengths. Here are some examples -
All of these practices have enriched my life in noticeable ways. Humor helps me connect with others. Gratitude helps me experience a genuine appreciation for life that outshines my fear. My love of learning keeps me sharp and skilled. Curiosity is the antidote for dreary monotony. Perspective helps me to see things from the bigger picture view point and make significantly better decisions in my life.
My life is immeasurably better as a result of leveraging my character strengths for personal growth.
Applying it for Yourself
Do you operate under the delusion that positive change in life requires massive and complicated effort? It doesn’t. You can make a decision right now to implement positive change in your life. Here are some simple steps you can take: