Leverage Your Previous Clients' Experience To Quash Doubt & Hesitation
James Rostance
Client-Winning Video Case Studies ?? Worldwide Service. All Done For You (including securing guests).
B2B Buyers are highly motivated to avoid making bad decisions.
If a buyer has any doubts about your suitability your competitors can swoop in.
Your single best tool to combat this is to leverage the experience of your previous clients to show them that everything will work out.
What's Going On In Your Buyer's Mind?
If you think about it, what buyers have to navigate can at times can be a minefield.
They've got their work cut out to reach the right decision.
After they've determined what they're looking for and what's important, they then have to assess the suitability of each potential vendor.
But how do they do that?
Typically is more of a detective hunt than anything else.
They're looking for cues that a vendor can deliver what they're after, has the capacity to deliver to their spec as well as do it on time.
They're also on the lookout for warning signs that a vendor might not be suitable for any number of reasons.
Appreciating what's going on in the mind of your buyer is central to success.
Be Proactive
If a buyer has a concern of any kind which they feel is important to their ultimate decision making - that is very much a hill worth fighting on.
Commonly, buyers will share the same concerns.
So if you take the initiative to handle and allay those concerns in your marketing communications you will be personally responsible for helping advance a great number of sales forward.
The Opportunity
A buyer's concerns are legitimate potential roadblocks for any sale.
If they are not dealt with your company's journey to being the chosen supplier or partner comes to a halt.
If on the other hand you proactively cover these concerns you will in turn fully green light your company's suitability.
If you identify these concerns in advance you can turn it into a further opportunity.
Here's why...
Each buyer will have their own journey to go on.
They won't start at the same place in terms of knowledge and understanding of their situation which you're ultimately poised to help them with.
What you can bank on is that at some point they will become aware of one of these common concerns.
It's not so much if, but when.
How To Do It
The approach I take in a video case the approach is to have a guest talk about the key concerns which buyers have.
It's kind of that simple.
Well, there is a bit more to it...
You do need to dig down and really guide the guest to articulating the concern and take us through why (if it was a case study for you):
- It wasn't a problem
- How you had it covered
- What it's meant to them because you handled it
The Result
Marketers are in a unique position to not just take care of concerns and objections, but to do it incredibly well at the same time.
As mentioned, the earlier in the process that you can do this, the more effective it will be.
The result of leveraging your clients' experience to quash doubts ends up being that you're seen as a perfect choice for their needs.
The bonus part is that if you proactively cover their concerns before they're full blown deal-breaker elements buyers will attribute a sense of reassurance and confidence to your company.
And that is invaluable.
Would you rather be fire fighting objections and have doubts drag you down before you've had chance to make your case?
Or... would you rather make use of this particularly powerful capability of case studies to go an awful long way in giving buyers the confidence they need to choose your company over everyone else?
The best way to handle and quash doubts which a buyer may have is to leverage the experience of your previous clients to show them that they have nothing to worry about.
Better yet, it's your opportunity to turn their concerns into complete reassurance, thereby greatly strengthening your suitability and quite likely enough to fully win the deal.
Written case studies induce a certain level of skepticism and their authenticity can be called into play.
This is why a video case study is the ultimate tool for the job.
Further Listening!...
If you'd like to learn more on this and dive deeper into understanding how you leverage this incredibly powerful technique for yourself - click HERE to listen to this week's episode.
Alternatively, you can play it and subscribe on your favourite podcasting app.
If you'd like to discuss having a case study produced please do DM me or email [email protected]
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