To Leverage Or Not?
Ryan Parson
Serving as the #1 ally to successful do-it-yourself families, entrepreneurs and investors so they can live their best lives of significance with authentic confidence.
In the world of physics, leverage (mechanical advantage) creates the ability to move a larger force with a smaller one. Think ancient Egyptians and the huge stones that make up the Pyramids.
As investors, we're not building pyramids, but we're building something just as important to us: financial security for ourselves and our families.
For us as investors, leverage is the capacity to use a smaller amount of our capital, in combination with debt to do things like purchase performing assets.
Like many things in investing, leverage is a powerful tool that can be used well or used poorly.
Here's my take on leverage:
To your prosperity!
P.S. Leverage is neither good nor bad by itself. After you read my brief article, let me know how you're using leverage...