Leverage the Power of Your Emotions

Leverage the Power of Your Emotions

Have you ever been told to leave your emotions at the door when you come to work and that work is just about our cognitive intelligence and getting things done?

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Well, that's the worst thing that you and I could believe.

Stick with me because in this week's episode, what I want to do is to help you to unlearn that myth and to harness a new type of intelligence.

I remember having a conversation with a client once who told me that he had learnt to leave his emotions at the door. I remember going through that conversation, and then about 10 minutes later, I could see that he was getting really emotional.

You see, it's not natural to separate from your emotions, but what you need to learn to do is navigate them in a healthier way. Throughout my entire military and corporate career, and going into my practice a few years ago, I had a lot of challenges with my emotions.

Instead of emotions being something that were there to support me, they were creating many challenges for me. The challenge is though, it wasn’t the emotion’s fault; they were doing exactly what they were supposed to be doing. What I was doing was taking those emotions and navigating them in an unhealthy way.

I see many people do this because emotions are a part of who we are; this is because people are not robots. Therefore, we need to learn how to use our greatest intelligence, which is our Emotional Intelligence.
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Emotional intelligence is the number one skill for every leader.

The business world is talking about this now. It's taken them years to realize what we've already known. Since we are emotional beings and our emotions need to be navigated, this intelligence that we have is far greater than our cognitive intelligence. This is because it gives us the ability to go through in the environment that we are in and with the relationships that are involved in the work that we do, in a way that reduces stress and conflict. It also removes the distraction of disruptive emotional feelings and allows us to get more done.

So, let's build a foundation of Emotional Intelligence.

Read the full ar ticle to learn more about Emotional Intelligence and how you can develop this very important skill.


Grant Herbert (aka The People Builder) describes himself as an ordinary guy, with an outstanding wife and 5 amazing kids, who has a passion to help people escape the performance trap and regain their authenticity in every area of life. He is a VUCA Leadership Mentor, Sustainable Performance Coach, Master Coach Trainer in Social and Emotional Intelligence,?and the founder of People Builders.

Visit?www.grantherbert.com ?to find out how you can connect.


