Leverage the power of your cycle to work smarter not harder in 2024!

Leverage the power of your cycle to work smarter not harder in 2024!

Ever feel like you're trying to keep a hundred balls in the air, all while wishing for more time, energy, and balance in your life?

You're not alone.

Many ambitious women have been conditioned to believe that success means mirroring the work patterns of men. But in doing so, we've overlooked an important fact: while we may be equal, we're not the same.

Our bodies operate on an infradian rhythm, a cyclical pattern known as the menstrual cycle. Even beyond menstruation, this cycle continues to influence us, aligning closely with the phases of the moon, which also spans approximately 28 - 29.5 days.

Aligning our work with this natural rhythm is key to our well-being and productivity. Just as we observe the cyclical patterns in nature, our bodies thrive when we honour our own cycles.

In her book "In The Flow," Alisa Vitti likens our menstrual cycle to nature's creative flow, with phases of initiation, growth, completion, and rest. Yet societal pressures often keep us in a perpetual cycle of growth and harvest, leading to exhaustion and overwhelm.

Each phase of our menstrual cycle corresponds to a season and demands recognition and respect. Much like the changing seasons complement each other, each menstrual phase requires honouring the others for it to work optimally.

Let's explore each phase and reflect on what resonates most with you:

  • Phase 1 - Menstrual Phase - Inner Winter - New Moon ?? ??

This phase resembles a quiet, resting time before new beginnings, similar to the calmness of winter when nature slows down. Our energy levels drop due to hormonal changes, signalling a time for rest and reflection. It's our most intuitive period, not intended for us to take action but to contemplate the actions we want to take.

??What this can look like: Slowing down every task without guilt, focusing on more inward-focused work or tasks that align with our feminine energy, asking for what you need, setting clear boundaries, and dedicating more time to solitude.

  • Phase 2 - Follicular Phase - Inner Spring - Waxing Moon ?? ??

This phase is all about emerging and initiating, which mirrors the energy of spring and the waxing moon. With rising energy levels, courtesy of estrogen, it's a time for creation and new beginnings and start putting into action what your intuition guided you towards during your menstrual phase.?

??What this can look like: Starting a new project that you came up with during your menstrual phase, creating content for social media, brainstorming on new ideas, implementing changes in your life and business.

  • Phase 3 - Ovulatory Phase - Inner Summer - Full Moon ????

This phase is marked by peak energy, making it ideal for visibility and connection. Just like we feel in summer, it’s time to get out there! Seize this energetic peak to engage with others and push your boundaries.

??What this can look like: Execute a big presentation, engage in speaking opportunities, collaborate with others, and tackle something that challenges you in your business or personal life.

  • Phase 4 - Luteal Phase - Inner Fall - Waning Moon ?? ??

This phase is defined by culmination and preparation, very much like we see happen in the fall season, where nature is slowing down and animals are getting ready for winter.?

It's a time to tie up loose ends, complete ongoing projects, and prepare for rest.

??What this can look like: Complete the projects you began, handle administrative tasks, delegate them as needed, tidy your desk, and organize loose ends in your work and life.

By syncing our work with our cycle, we can achieve greater harmony and productivity in our lives. It's one of the tools I use in my coaching with clients to help them conquer overwhelm and burnout with ease.

Questions on how cycle syncing can help you work smarter, not harder? Reach out. My DMs are always open for you!

Sending you so much love.?



Hi, I'm Daniela! I'm here to empower overwhelmed ambitious women to reclaim time for what truly matters, allowing them to unleash their full potential at rapid speed.?? Curious about working together? Let's hop on a call to see if it's a good fit. Schedule your free discovery call now! Free Discovery Call


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