Leverage open source & start your product building journey...
Nikhil Mehta
Software engineer/Web developer/Javascript Typescript Junkie/Consultant/Nerd/Devops enthusiast during days | Open Sourcer/Drummer/Poet during nights | Biker on weekends | Student for Life
In continuation to my last post some time ago here are some tools/projects I recommend some of which I haved used to build some projects in minimum amount of time and with minimum cost for some startups.
often the fundamental questions founders are facing is whether we should focus of refining business strategy or to focus on having application ready for sudden surge of users. My take always has been on focusing to refine strategy first hence the idea here is to keep the operation cost of tech related stuff like cloud provider cost/other services like hosting etc to very minimum so money can be better utilised to validate and iterate through product rather than putting too much money in thinking of scaling the product right from day zero.
What good is a dream of mass producing airplanes if there is no long enough runway to takeoff your first plane...
Also this is applicable primarily for very early stage startups that are either being ran by single or group individuals who are running and spending money from their own pocket to start and build a very first draft for idea validation or for as part of first iteration of their already validated idea.
PS there will be some proprietary names below as some solutions require cost that cannot be avoided viz sending emails/sms/whats app text or media management etc will never be free forever and so there cannot be good production grade open source alternative to such services
Core tech stack needed for basic functional requirements
For non functional requirement
but must haves for either debugging or analytics standpoint
- For object storage like images/videos etc
- For DDoS protection
- For CDN for your static assets
5. Thumbor - For processing image management so you deliver optimum image size/aspect-ratio/format to users based on user device/network etc. Cloudinary is another freemium alternative if you are looking for both image and video management
PS I dont sponsor or promote any of the products mentioned in this article.
Other must have services for better startup
for running your business and keeping developers happy. But for which there are either no or close to no open source alternatives
Pure tech tools
Needed primarily to avoid regression bugs and/or avoiding mechanical tasks
Additional good to haves
These tools can be used by both developers and product managers to build documentation of how code/architecture is and/or to build product requirements/mind map of how product is going to evolve
For intermediate level startups
If you have raised funding and looking to hire IT/HR/Recruitment/Accounting teams. Please explore rippling before hiring too many folks it offers nice services.
That's all. For now...
I will be writing more in this series about what you should focus and what you should not in early stage of you product building journey. So stay tuned.
Thank you if you have read it till here. Let me know in comments if you know any better alternative for any of the mentioned above or if I am missing any important aspect of building startup tech stack quickly.
Wish you all the best in building a startup and bringing your idea to life. Feel free to reach out to me via DMs for any kind of help/suggestions/feedback also even if you have any feedback/suggestion for me you are most welcome.