Leverage: How it Can Amplify Your Financial Growth?
Leverage: A Boon; Just know how to use it efficiently!

Leverage: How it Can Amplify Your Financial Growth?

LEVERAGE: If you have?leveraged, you hold the advantage in a situation or the stronger position in a contest, physical or otherwise. The lever is a tool for getting more work done with less physical force.... This refers to non-physical situations too: the power to move or influence others is also?leverage.

I, fortunately, have been meeting hundreds of people because of my job profile! I am managing their real-estate portfolios and guiding them how to reach financial freedom through right investment decisions.

However, what I recorded is that more than 92.3% people are still wandering around and have no clear idea how to park their hard earn money. Most of them are victims of making wrong decisions, and are still having phobia of making further investments.

Making profits is titled, by people, as a game of destiny! But I call it coinciding right decision at a right time, you just need to learn how to coincide it!

One of the best tools of becoming financially sound and strong is to leverage your investments, as fortune 500 and other companies do!

We too use this tool many-a-times, but unknowingly. And due to lack of consciousness and complete understanding of the concept we often miss to take advantage of this to the extent we should do!

Let's understand what this concept is and how to use it effectively and arbitrarily!

How Leverage Works!

Leverage is the use of debt (borrowed capital) in order to undertake an investment or project. The result is to multiply the potential returns from a project. At the same time, leverage will also multiply the potential downside risk in case the investment does not pan out. JUST, Be cautious about how to use it efficiently!

In layman term, using borrowed money when we can invest the same at higher returns than interest paid on borrowed money.

                                ROI > Cost Of Capital         

This is the success mantra each company and businessman uses to grow with much faster pace. BUT, you must be meticulously beware, when and how to use it. Metaphorically, it is a sharp knife. Handled properly will make your task easy or otherwise it you will cut your hand.

Lastly, Some people might afraid of using it due to umpteen reasons: own mental barriers, lack of understanding of the concept, poor risk taking ability, uncertainty of making profits from leveraged money, less apatite, and countless more...yet the solution is to practice this and take it from small to big level: after all practice is non-replaceable!



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