Levels of possible impairment
Robert Pomplun
Chief Industry Consultant @ SERVING ALCOHOL INC. | Hospitality Industry Expert
10% of populous drinks 70% of the alcohol. The average DWI is .16 twice the legal amount to be arrested on. People pregame drinking alcohol before they come into your premises or other locations. Some drinkers are heavy drinkers and do not show obviously impaired when they actively drinking. The key to safety is preventative education, communication, understanding the duty to care, and difference of controlling patron's wants vs needs. Always ask before serve how are you doing tonight? These checks of speech, communication, appearence, and behaviors by staff that are continual and ongoing to be rechecked at every piont of service. The changes in the patrons may occur after they left the premises on the way home. What the police see is not the condition the server saw at the point of service. Time changes patron's conditions of usuage and posssible impairment levels. In heavy drinking serving alcohol locations where people move to different locations around and it is hard to determine possible impairments when comming and going from different location.