Levelling up health means investing in prevention
We'll all be hearing a great deal about levelling up in the news (and the chatter doesn't involve spirit levels or anything to do with building works).
It is about creating a more equal society and fairer chances for all. And that needs to start with health.
The Eve Appeal is proud to stand with group of 47 organisations. We're calling on?Steve Barclay?to ensure the prevention agenda is a key part of the?#HealthDisparities?White Paper.
This White Paper is an opportunity for the UK Govt to prioritise?#prevention?and reduce health inequalities through:
?Population-wide measures that empower people to make healthier choices
?Targeted support for those most in need
?More funding for vital public health services
Publication could be delayed, but it's vital UK Government prioritises action to reduce?#HealthInequalities and invest in #Prevention.
It really is, always, better than cure.
Head over to @eveappeal to hear more about our razor sharp focus on prevention.