Level up your railway knowledge

Level up your railway knowledge

Welcome to our first newsletter. It's packed with railway insights which include:

  • Fiber optics listening to trains.
  • Track trespass - Exploring the types of security threat.
  • Cloud computing - Challenges and choices.
  • Landslide detection - Listening for trouble on track.
  • The surprising connection between tracks and turbines.

We also share what our Sensoniacs have been up to both professionally and socially to get a flavour of what makes us tick.

Before you scroll - take a moment to hit subscribe so you won't miss future editions and when you get to the end share if your network can benefit too. Thanks!

Fiber optics listening to trains

Matt Simon from WIRED (a publication specialising in new technology) has written a great introduction on how fiber optics sensing technology is revolutionising railway decisions. Read his article here: Fiber Optics Bring You Internet. Now They’re Also Listening to Trains (6 min read)

Screenshot of WIRED Website with headline "Fiber optics bring you internet. Now they're listening to trains". Subheading "Distributed Acoustic sensing looks for disturbances in fiber to detect earthquakes and even insects. Can it also improve rail safety?". Beneath is an aerial view of a train crossing a 4 way rail junction.

Track Trespass Tiers

A close up photo of several people feet standing on a railway track.

Rail intruders come in many shapes and sizes. We explore categories, causes, costs and consequences along with how to secretly spot them.

Get the lowdown on track trespass: Railway Security- Types of Track Trespass (10 min read)

Cloud challenges

An illustration of computer network cables plugged into a cloud.

Heading for the cloud, or keeping your feet on the ground? Explore the pros and cons of each for railway data processing.

We navigate cloud challenges here: Cloud Processing: Weighing the Pros and Cons (7 mins)

Simplifying slide detection

As weather challenges increase, we often don't know where the next slope failure will be. We can’t monitor every slope, or can we?

A rock slide has fallen across the railway blocking the track. An excavator is on the track removing the rocks

Read our article here: Simplifying landslide detection (6 mins)

In a rush? Try our slope sensor calculator to see how many sensors you could save!

Tracks and Turbines

Discover the data monitoring link that is driving efficiency to keep both wind turbines spinning and trains safely running.

Computer image of a high speed modern train passing through a field of wind turbines.

Find the link here: Tracks and Turbines: A Green Alliance - (5 mins)

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Sensonic Out & About

Our team gave a live demo of security application at the UIC - International union of railways #UICrail Fiber Optic Sensing workshop in Paris. We linked up live with our installation in the Czech Republic to demonstrate how fiber optic sensing detects both trespass and digging. You can see examples of our rail security system in action here.

Christophe and Yannick at UIC in Paris for their Fiber Optic Sensing workshop

We had the pleasure of hosting students from the master's degree in Rail Technology & Management of Railway Systems from Fachhochschule St P?lten.

Masters students studying Rail Technology + Management of Railway Systems visited us at Sch?rding

We kicked off our year with Ashish Jain presenting at the annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board in Washington, USA.

Ashish presenting at TRB2024 on

Interested in railway infrastructure monitoring via fiber optic sensing and want to know more?

Button labelled "Get In Touch"

Sensonics Social Side

Wondering what happens behind the (high-tech) scenes? Here is an insight as to some of the social stuff that happens at Sensonic .

Colleagues in the UK from Sensonic and Frauscher celebrating the Luna New Year with festive food
Many boxes of chocolates
Lasers are red, Sometimes they are blue. We shine them through fibers, Keeping Track safe for you??. Valentines celebration chocolates for employees at Sensonic Austria - Yummy
Wine tasting after hours at Sensonic Sch?rding Austria.
A wine, cheese and quiz night kicked of our year

Interested in making railways safer and more efficient, interested in AI and Machine Learning, or just a whizz with fiber optic sensing? If you can picture yourself as a Sensoniac, then keep an eye on our careers page.

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Thanks for reading! Let us know what you think to our first LinkedIn newsletter and subscribe so you don't miss the content in future editions.

Daniel Pyke

Revolutionising rail infrastructure monitoring solutions | Chartered Engineer | Fellow of IOM3 | Rail Nerd

1 年

Let us know what you'd like to hear more about and if we can we'll try and include it in future editions. More tech stuff, more applications, more learning, more behind the scenes, more fun/social stuff? - Let us know.



