Level Up to superhero as first step to save our civilization within 10 years – how to build on rock instead of sand
First, a clarification: our planet does not need rescue. It will survive us humans and enable life for another two billion years. But we as human civilization are dependent on our planet and mother nature. As a result of increasing catastrophes, more and more people are realizing that we must act urgently now to prevent the climate crisis from turning into a climate catastrophe in the next few years, making large parts of the earth uninhabitable for us humans and undoubtedly tearing the global economy into the abyss as a result. But are we acting to a sufficient extent?
And have we tackled the other great human challenges with sufficient determination – such as the elimination of hunger, poverty, disease, war, the arrival of artificial intelligence? Twice the answer is a clear no. If we really want to be Homo Sapiens – the wise human – why are we acting anything but wisely?
And the even more important question is: What can and must we do now to solve all these existential problems so that we can get through the 21st century well and qualify as a civilization for the 22nd century?
In the last ten years I have been collecting more and more pieces of the puzzle answering this question and was able to put them together into a simple 4-level plan that allows us to qualify for the 22nd century. Clearly that this is no guarantee for success. But it is our realistic chance that we can take as a civilization.
The four levels consist of:
Level A: Personal Character Growth/Empowerment (Level Up to Superhero)
Level B: Tackling the climate crisis
Level C: Achieving a global balance of power and responsibility
Level D: Qualification for the 22nd century
The first step is crucial, it makes the difference whether the other steps carry, whether we build on sand or on rock. The first level – Level A – consists of personal character growth(empowerment), so that together we are able to successfully face the complex challenges of the 21st century.
And since I have been a fan of superhero stories since my childhood days and as I am convinced that we need an alliance of millions of heroes on our planet to pull the cart out of the mire, I have given my new book the title: "Level Up to Superhero in six simple steps – how to master (y)our destiny and qualify for the 22nd century".
Two aspects were important to me for the practical suitability:
Aspect 1: It must be simple.
The complexity around us increases daily. You can be certified to death for the application of complicated methods and process models. Even in the agile field, it takes years for teams to achieve high productivity, and every few years the shortcomings of the procedure are countered with a new approach, which is then praised as a the ultimate solution until it is also replaced by a new approach.
You can define your superhero mission in six simple steps that build upon each other. You can write it on a page and use it as a lightning-fast decision-making tool to get closer to your mission goals. And because "Level Up to Superhero" is so simple, you can use it in your organization parallel to any complex method to make faster decisions and better achieve goals.
Aspect 2: It must be effective in practice so that you can live the life you want.
Very few of us will be able to make a successful instant decision like: "As of today I am a superhero, my old life is over." Just like learning to read, Level Up to Superhero is a process. And there are a lot of good reasons for starting as a part-time hero and exploring what works well for you and where you still want to adjust.
Many of the principles described in the book have worked for me. For some principles I have used inspiration from successful personalities and integrated their recipes into the six simple steps.
Thus "Level Up to Superhero" is the essence of what is required for extraordinary character growth. Finally, I put the six steps onto one page that you can freely use and pass on:
Steps 1-3 are the magic key. They define your WHY, WHAT and HOW. Your reasons, your mission and your strategy, tactics and navigation. The magic key I created represents, just like Simon Sinek's fantastic "Golden Circle", a part of the classic structure Vision-Mission-Action or sometimes VMOSA from strategic planning. (see https://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/structure/strategic-planning/vmosa/main and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategic_planning )
Steps 4 and 6 provide guidelines for our current century, in which we can embed step 5 - our mission values.
Step 4 is the formula for success and serves as a bridge between this 21st century and the next 22nd century. It is: Q22C = C.W.I.S.H.A
- Chivalry
- Wisdom
- Independence
- Style
- Humor
- Amazement (enthusiasm).
Step 5: This is where your mission/project values come into play. They make the game your personal game. Write them down so that they resonate with you and make your mission unique.
Step 6: The joker multiplies your strength, your power. With its principle: "The way we win" it connects heart, head and hand and helps you and your fellow players to make a greater leap in the level up. Shuffle many jokers in your deck and think very carefully about how many rogues or black Peter you want to shuffle in.
The individual elements of the Level Up have been tried and tested in many of my professional and private projects from more than three decades of practical experience with me and many of my customers. I have summarized them as a structured essence in this book and hope this helps you and many other people to turn the dreams of your life into the life of your dreams. And I hope that "Level Up to Superhero" will give us the power so that together we are able to navigate our civilization through the stormy seas into a thriving 22nd century.
Unfortunately, we don't have time to wait with Level B – overcoming the climate crisis – until we have sufficiently developed our character as a society. Both must happen at the same time. But I believe that the one supports the other – in both directions.
I am convinced of one thing. In the decade 2020 to 2030, we as humanity will decide whether we disqualify ourselves through greed, fear, narrow-mindedness and short-sightedness and sink into insignificance as a species for centuries, or whether we prove ourselves worthy to enter the 22nd century as a flourishing civilization, live in harmony with our planet and colonize the solar system in a responsible manner.
And the good news is that if we master this challenge, we will experience a grandiose future without sacrifice and with limitless possibilities.
Kind regards
Joerg Osarek
If you want to find out, how you can be part of the launch of the English book on 2020-11-11 or how you can buy the German book directly, just visit https://level-up-to-superhero.com .
The English edition will be published on 2020-11-11 under the title: "Level Up to Superhero in six simple steps – how to master (y)our destiny and qualify for the 22nd century".
ISBN: 978-3-944218-14-4 (print version English)
ISBN: 978-3-944218-15-1 (eBook version English)
The German edition is already available as eBook and printed version and is entitled: "Level Up zum Superhelden – wie Du Dein Schicksal meisterst und uns für das 22. Jahrhundert qualifizierst".
ISBN: 978-3-944218-12-0 (print version German)
ISBN: 978-3-944218-13-7 (eBook version German)