Patrick Oseloka EZEPUE, PhD, PGCA

User-Centred Research and Design, Statistics, Data Science, Business Analytics, Stochastic Modelling in Business and Finance, Digital Marketing, Entrepreneurship and The Digital Economy, Global Corporate Academicism, The Pedagogy of Mathematical Sciences?

African Higher Education and Research Observatory and Oselux Analytics Limited UK


Prompted by a simple question from a collaborating corporate academic about how seemingly more important work can be accomplished when we are in contract to enhance existing innovations in teaching, learning and assessments in a vocational college, this article for the first time known to us, describes an intriguing concept of Atomic Curriculum Planning and Delivery. It links these ideas to the spiritual foundations and psychologics of performing work in the Oselux Corporation.?A social media copy, it is brief and will be substantially expanded in a full journal paper to demonstrate how this detailed curriculum planning and delivery applies to different Oselux digital platforms at https://linktr.ee/ssgsacademy .


Spiritual Foundations of Oselux, Psychologics of Winning in Oselux, 5Ws and 5 Whys, Content Analysis, Corporate Academic Model, RIAT Fabric in Higher Education, Oselux Reverse Pedagogy, Oselux Vision, The Scholarship of Teaching, Atomic RIAT-Based, Level-Differentiated Curriculum Planning and Delivery, Lesson Planning, Vocational Education, CfAEDs, Full-Spectrum RIAT Excellence and Maximal Global Q-Helix Impact, Circular Economy, Publishing and Grant Writing, Oselux Concept Notes for Developing Powerful Research Topics and Project Proposals?


We recall the following conversations between Professor Ifeyinwa Eucharia Achumba (IEA) and the author (PE)

IEA: 'Hello Eloka, good morning. What happens to Oselux academic development work now that you are in contract to enhance curriculum delivery at a vocational college? How are we going to manage the grant writing? Just thinking'.

PE: 'Nothing changes. Just better use of weekends, evenings and early mornings.'


Dear Esteemed Prof Ifey, I'm deeply enthused about your constructively restless mindset. You and Prof Godfrey Udo regularly jolt me into reflecting creatively on the 5Ws+H and 5Whys of Oselux. That is, the What, Why, Who, When, Where and How of our engagements, and a deepening of the Why by asking 5 Whys, regarding any important aspect of the Oselux Odyssey, The Light and Business of God. I reiterate, therefore, that Oselux is an Igbo-Latin language word that refers to the Light of God, which makes Oselux Corporation the Business of God.

Let's explore these ramifications in light of Oselux Spirituality and the Psychologics of Winning in Oselux. We start with a brief Content Analysis of your very thoughtful question. First, the question, What happens to Oselux now that you're in paid contract employment? I know you mean 9-5 work, since every employment is paid, whether one works as a contractor, FT or PT. As I said, 'Nothing changes'. Yes, nothing really changes because as a Global Corporate Academic, I perform any engagement as if I own the business and have to give my best to myself and the client, always asking, How do I work far more than I'm paid for, which is one of the Fifteen Laws of Success in our 7Es of Education and Human Development??See Ezepue (2023)'s The Corporate Academic Celebrity Business Model,?https://www.researchgate.net/publication/369365373 .

As I perform any role, note the emphasis on performing not doing, I think beyond the job specifications and consider the fundamental externalities that the role brings to Oselux. For example, a role that involves any aspect of Research, Integration of Knowledge (IoK), Applications, and Teaching (the RIAT Fabric in education), say Teaching and wider curriculum development, and sees me asking such questions as follows.

How do I apply Oselux Reverse Pedagogy in excelling in Teaching at different levels of learner understanding? In other words, how close or far apart are the pedagogical strategies of a client organisation to the constellations of ideas in Oselux Reverse Pedagogy? In other words, in a spirit of ‘continuous never-ending improvement, CANI, as explored in Anthony Robbins’s Awaken The Giant Within, you must see all opportunities to enhance specific curricula as fruitful for adding to the Oselux Game. Answering these questions opens up deeper vistas of possibilities for enacting Reverse Pedagogy in such situations than exists in traditional academia. A case study of the T in RIAT thus emerges and provokes further questions as follows.

Are there opportunities in the engagement to practise the RIA triad of the RIAT Fabric as well? For the current engagement, also called Project as in Oselux Vision, To Live a Spirit-Filled, Project-Based Life Transforming and Democratising Global Education and Change, the primary goal of the contract is to train learners in vocational education. This is cool because one can Research myriad approaches to teaching students at that level. Hence, the R revolves around The Scholarship of Teaching. In this R ambit, I'll look to first see what pedagogical approaches they currently use. I’ll then review the resources available, which is a huge swathe of texts and online resources differentiated by levels of learning.

For the Integration of Knowledge (IoK) facet of the RIAT Fabric, I’ll dive deeper into the the R and T insights and contemplate how best to bring the resources together, such that for each learner, by levels, the Lesson Plan for each session and Learning Outcome, say over 1, 2 or 3 hours, accommodates most suitable resources - ppts if need be, starter, main lesson, tasks within their vocational contexts like Construction, Communications and Media, Health and Social Work, Electrics, Plumbing, their self-evaluation, Oselux evaluation of and feedback on how they achieve the outcomes, including What Went Well (www) and Even Better If (EBI) facets. The latter looks at what needs to be done for fuller achievement of the learning outcomes and enhancement of overall learning experiences, all these within Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) for every learner. Indeed, the Atomic Curriculum Planning and Delivery constructs flow from the ILPs.

I don't know whether I'm making adequate sense of the RIAT possibilities that emerge from this atomic understanding of how Lesson Planning happens at these levels of learning, compared to most advanced levels like BATech, BScTech, MScTech, PhDTech, and sometimes DScTech degrees. You can see that I'm even talking of traditional BA, BSc, MSc and PhD degrees, which are becoming increasingly unfit for purpose.

You may be surprised that new insights on how Atomised Curriculum Delivery at this foundational stage in the vocational training of students, informs SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-Bound) performance of higher-order RIAT work. For instance, in my self-supervised DScTech degree in Applied Computing, Software and Apps Development in Oselux, I easily see how this Atomic RIAT Curriculum Planning and Delivery deepens my focus on all the key terms of the DScTech. These are Applied Computing, Software and Apps Development, particularly building specific software and mobile apps for myriad Oselux Technologies, Frameworks, and Systems.

I don't need to remind you that the latter three affordances - Technologies, Frameworks and Systems - define the core business of Oselux in the long run, given the reality of XTech degrees producing myriad creative artefacts in the Oselux Vision, including thousands of RIAT-based digital internationalising firms across academia, public services, industry sectors, and wider society.

These notes cover most of the 5Ws+H, namely: What, as in the Learning Outcomes and Related Lesson Plans plus RIAT externalities that hook them up to graduate degree levels; Why, as in delivering the Oselux Vision; Who as me, support staff, collaborating Global Corporate Academics, students, and professionals; When and Where as anywhere anytime since Oselux is primarily online with tailored strategic partnerships with different levels of the national educational spectra from secondary to tertiary in which face-to-face work happens ; and the elusive How, as in the best way to periodically manage a learner’s experiences such that they continually reinforce what they already know, whilst using on-time, within-class feedback, and follow-on lesson plans to overcome their weaknesses. But what about the 5 Whys?

For me, the 5 Whys are a line of at most five questions to ask of any phenomenon to ascertain its worthwhileness. For example, imagine you asking me or me asking myself and responding thus. Why is it important to teach vocational learners? To help them achieve the skills and certifications that prepare them for the world of work. Why must you help with this instead of allowing 'less advanced' Tutors to do that? To help the organisation to possibly benefit from our experience in enhancing their students' learning experiences. This seems too prosaic. Why truly must you engage with this, given a plethora of things you're already doing in Oselux? Okay, I confess that I'm paid to do this and reasonably well, considering that it's not technically challenging from a subject matter point of view and I get to support other people daily in the college. Thanks for your candour, but Why and How does this benefit Oselux further? To truly trial Oselux Reverse Pedagogy and now that I've realised what is going on, to develop innovative insights on RIAT-Based Atomic and Level-Differentiated Curriculum Planning and Delivery. This not only serves the students to the utmost of their abilities, but also advances my understanding of higher-order RIAT work, up to my DScTech and other graduate XTech degrees I'll support other RIAT Professors in supervising at The International Graduate Open University System we are building.

This point is important, given that these degrees, when offered in The International Graduate Open University across circa thirty (30) graduate schools, centres and institutes, covering the STEM, social sciences, arts and humanities disciplines, are based in departmental, faculty or institute-located Oselux Centres for the Applications of Every Discipline (CfAEDs).

You can recall from previous conversations and publications that these CfAEDs are innately 'vocational', despite their relatively advanced nature compared to technical colleges. They are structured to offer students deep practices of their RIAT crafts which culminate in products, services, wealth, jobs, spin-offs, in total seventeen (17) artefacts in the Oselux Vision. Please, see the full Vision at https://afriworldpublishing.com/philosophy . See also Ezepue (March 2023)'s The Corporate Academic Celebrity Business Model, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/369365373 .?

Second, coming back to your other questions and my responses, 'How are we going to manage the grant writing? I said 'Nothing changes. Just better use of weekends, evenings and early mornings' and that [We] will work these out'. I'm already doing this now, starting at 01:39 UK time to write these notes, having had at least six hours of deep sleep after coming back home from the project. Hence, project-based life in the Oselux Vision requires that we must maintain a positive offensive in sweating the Oselux Vision to make a profoundly significant difference in the world.

We also ensure that the Oselux Ecosystem is a Circular Economy, in which everything flows into everything else. For example, the experience from the project informs higher-order RIAT Excellence and Maximal Global Q-Helix Impact, such as manifested in graduate XTech degrees which are hallmarks of Oselux digital platforms and the graduate schools they support. These disciplines and topics are studied and professionalised in the graduate schools through the CfAEDs at The International Graduate Open University. This great institution is currently in beta form at https://icred7e.com .

I may not have directly answered your question about writing grants. For this, note that by operating in the Mind of God and performing Oselux tasks at the Speed of Light, please God, we'll still deliver at least ten (10) grants this year. For example, we write on average at least one social media post, article or journal preprint daily. These notes are an example of a potential article with the above indicative title. I'll estimate the time it takes to conjure the notes at the end.

On the Psychologics of Winning in Oselux, I mean the 'psychology of work and human performance' and the way such work is performed in Oselux. This article conveys such creative resilience as explained in Ezepue (February 2024)’s The Ecology of Work, Creative Resilience And Continuous Never-Ending Improvement In The Corporate-Academic 'Military' Industrial Complex', https://www.researchgate.net/publication/378522797 . And particularly the December 12, 2023 LinkedIn article, The Mindsets of Nobel Laureates: Addressing Gender Inequities In Academic And Career Performance.

Indeed, in almost all the thirty plus articles we have so far published in LinkedIn, all social media and more in ResearchGate preprints at https://linktr.ee/ssgsacademy , you'll perceive the subtle aroma of these Psychologics. Also, recall a fuller manifestation of this winning mindset in our joint paper, Ezepue, Udo and Achumba (2024) Historical Development of the Corporate Academic Model of Higher Education,

https://www.researchgate.net/publication/378205784 .

This 2024 paper offers arguably the most detailed explanation of why Oselux constitutes a military industrial complex, using for the first time the metaphor of Oselux and our publications as akin to US Aircraft Carrier Strike Groups. That such a menacing armada of ships and fighter jets can do battle in air, land and sea, and at all times - morning, afternoon and night - signifies why we deploy experiences from all Oselux projects in doing the battle to alleviate and enhance the human condition, as posited in the Oselux Vision. And to do this in line with the Oselux Motto, To Have All, Give All to All.?


In this article we exploited a simple conversation about how one can combine daily work related to innovations in teaching, learning, and assessments (TLA) in vocational education, and advanced work up to PhDTechs and DScTechs in higher education, thereby significantly alleviating the human condition.

With regards to working at the Speed of Light, which is literally the speed of Oselux, again an Igbo Language translation of The Light of God, the paper started 01:39 and ended 03:23, roughly 2 hours. Therefore, if we can write fairly deep articles of this kind in 2 hours, we can easily offload at least ten (10) grants a year, please God.

We also have a good framework for writing innovative and high-tariff grants, the Oselux Concept Notes for Developing Powerful Research Topics and Project Proposals. This makes grant writing second nature to us, much fun and play, echoing back our interest in bringing the Entertainment Mystique into all our engagements as Global Corporate Academics.


As earlier noted, we'll explore in a fuller article, deeper ramifications of the above key terms for deepening learners’ experiences in our proposed Centres for the Applications of Every Discipline at The International Graduate Open University. The revelation here is how to truly accommodate the requirements of broad-based vocational education in these centres, supported by academics, students themselves, parents, and governments, despite the primary focus of the university on higher education.

For this, we'll draw up a checklist of related curriculum innovations in Colin Rose and Malcolm J. Nicholl (1997) Accelerated Learning for the 21st Century, DTP Publishing, for example, and additional perspectives from Oselux Reverse Pedagogy, including insights from our publications on Global Corporate Academicism. Just understand that the core essence of this intellectual movement is to offer to the world a new model of education and training which makes all learners some kinds of Me.coms, who are deeply entrepreneurial and whilst available to 'sell' their skills to employers, are equally capable of running their own businesses in specific disciplinary trades they trained in.

For a glimpse of how these insights collectively transform national education systems, as we envisage in the Oselux Vision, we recall below Rose and Nicholl (1997) Vision in Chapter 20, pp. 339-372 of their text, about the future of education that meets societal expectations. The recipes are:

'1. Make learning-how-to-learn and becoming creative-analyst top priorities; 2. Get serious about preschool education; 3. Work towards smaller primary classes; 4. Promote parent power at primary level; 5. Encourage secondary school students to take responsibility; 6. Exploit the new technology; 7. Pay teachers more and expect more; 8. Put brain-based schooling to work; 9. Extend the school year; 10. Involve members of the community; 11. Modernise the curriculum; 12. Modify the exam system; 13. Reduce the time it takes to get a degree; 14. Initiate consumer choice; 15. Make every organisation a M*A*S*T*E*R Organisation (as we already do in our secondary school tutorial platform, 7E Master Tutors, https://7emastertutors.com ); and 16. Make education everyone's business.

Interestingly, we clearly do all these things much better in our tertiary education platforms at https://linktr.ee/ssgsacademy and the Centres for the Application of Every Discipline (CfAEDs) to be attached to different graduate schools and departments in the The International Graduate Open University System.

We had used the 7E Master Tutors experience as the main guide for doing them at pre-tertiary levels of national educational systems. The opportunity to see the full gamut of possibilities at the vocational college level is a goldmine for us, given that almost all my exposure to the academic enterprise have been mainly at university level, recently focused on stamping out highly innovative PhDTechs.

I end this article, therefore, by recalling the current Oselux ecosystem of digital educational platforms, fondly called The Oselux Pie. This motivates us to quickly work on the fuller paper that implements this entire spectrum of innovations in the CfAEDs as Classrooms and Workshops of the Future, from secondary, vocational education to university levels, and such that the innovations are forensically adapted to each platform. You can see that Oselux covers all facets of community involvement in education - academia, public services, industry sectors, and wider society (the Global Q-Helix) - which these ideas emphasise.


