Level 7: Moments of Magic
Divya Ramachandran
I Help Startups Find Clarity to Do Hard Things | Leadership & Executive Coach | Former Product & Design Leader
Over the past decade of living with a family much more athletically-inclined than me, I’ve become a soccer fan.? While I still rarely know if a goal is offside, what I do know and love about the sport is how deeply it relies on trust and intuitive connection between players, and how some coaches have inspired not just their teams, but entire cities full of fans.
Last month on spring break with my family, I attended an English Premier League game at Anfield, home of Liverpool Football Club, which is known for having some of the most passionate fans in the world and a truly inspirational coach. Even Brené Brown writes about Liverpool fans in her book, Braving the Wilderness (excerpt published here).? The atmosphere was as “electric” as I had heard it described.? As we all held up our red scarves and sang in unison, there was a palpable feeling of connection between everyone in the stadium, on and off field.???
As the highest level of the Energy Leadership framework, Level 7 is characterized by absolute passion, and an inner understanding that everything and everyone is deeply connected. We experience life as participants and observers simultaneously.? When I first learned about it, I considered Level 7 inaccessible - I thought it was only for highly enlightened beings who spend their days in meditation. But it was my clients who helped me see how to relate to it. They talked about spiritual, musical and many other experiences where they’ve felt this profound, surreal sense of connection.? I caught a glimpse of this energy at the stadium last week.?
But how does this manifest in leadership? The Level 7 perspective helps leaders recognize and accept the lower levels and understand how they uniquely contribute to the creation of each moment.? For example, imagine a founder ringing the opening Nasdaq bell, or a CEO delivering the keynote address in an auditorium jam-packed with users of their product- this is when they realize that all the periods of self-doubt, conflict, chaos and negotiation were instrumental in creating the magic they are experiencing in the moment. There’s an overwhelming sense of knowing that everything unfolded exactly as it was meant to.?
While no leader can really resonate at this level at all times, catching a glimpse of it occasionally is what ties them to a deeper purpose, and enables them to persist through even the hardest moments with acceptance and resilience.?
This concludes my 7-part series on Energy Leadership. (Check out previous editions of my newsletter if you missed 1-6). I hope it has sparked some curiosity and insights around your own energy!
If you want learn how it can transform your leadership style, the Energy Leadership Index assessment is a great place to start. It provides an overview of your unique breakdown of energy levels, both in “good” times and in times of stress.? DM me if you want to learn how it can help you or your team elevate their performance.??
Warm Regards,