Is Level 2 AI here?
Mark Beedles
● AI-Driven Mental Health and Wellbeing Solutions for Schools, Coporations and Governments: ● Personal Wellbeing Support and Companionship:
So everyone has seen various images around the internet generated completely by AI (Pope in a Coat anyone?), This is very much early days of the technology and can fool you if you are not aware its AI, but if your told and look you can see the flaws in the the image. The target for developers in the space however is level 2, where you won't be able to tell the difference between between AI and humans. We are starting to see a number of attempts at level 2, this includes a song produced with an AI Jay-Z check it out at the following link The challenges of moving from level 1 to level 2 are magnitudes of complexity more, and level two is very much in its infancy. Our team are currently grappling with this our platform and working to create a chatbot that can deal with queries from candidates and clients alike. The complexities of this can not be understated and there is a high probability this project will fail, and there will be 10's of thousand's developers globally all working on similar problems and a majority of these will come to nothing. However its projects like this that will take AI from level 1 to level 2, so pushing the envelope of what the technology can do is vital if we are all to realise the benefits AI offers.