Letting Property Properly: Meet the former police officer who serves his community with the highest standards
Andy Vasey
Author of Stratford Landlord Pages & Co-Owner at Cribs Residential Lettings Ltd
LOOK - I just received this fabulous write up by x-emergency services on our business, how we got started, why and where the support came from >
About: X-Emergency Services (X-ES) is an organisation of social entrepreneurs with a strong focus on helping those who have served in the emergency services transition effectively and excel in their post-service life. ABOUT X-EMERGENCY SERVICES
“I loved the practical role of being a Special Constable, I felt like I made a difference in my community, it was fun, and it worked to combine those extra shifts alongside my day job in lettings. I had imagined that regular policing would have been similar, but it was the bureaucracy that overtook the enjoyment. It wasn’t for me, and I missed property. Rather than return to employment, I decided to take the plunge and start my own lettings business. I developed a great respect for Liz’s work over the years, we were on the same page and had a good match of skills, so I let her know my idea and was thrilled when she agreed to join me on this journey.”?