Hello Loves,
Happy February!
What have you been experiencing lately? The Snow Moon is upon us this Sunday and it’s encouraging us to live from our hearts and pursue our passions… Our Purpose.
Not sure what your purpose is? Well, maybe you use this time to set some intentions, write them down, and begin to dream them, feel them, and imagine them into this physical experience.
How does anything get created in this world?
It starts with the imagination! We envision it, feel into it, write it down, speak it into this space and time. EVERYTHING begins here!
A full moon represents a time for releasing old thoughts, beliefs, and ways of BEing. It represents a time to let go of what is no longer serving so consider what this is for you and begin to take actions in alignment with creating and BEing the new You.
This could look like changing up your morning routine. I am doing this right now, by writing this newsletter early in the morning when I usually choose to create in the afternoon or evening. I am always awake early, but I don’t really like to do much before 10am… At least that’s the story I’ve been telling… And with the cold weather, I really want to hibernate and stay under the warm blankets… another story or belief and the great thing about stories and beliefs… they can be changed!
I also started a 40-day meditation practice in the morning focusing on specific beliefs around abundance and what that looks like for me… really what that FEELS like for me as I consider these concepts from the book to help me grow The Adara Collective. These concepts are not new to me, it is simply giving me some structure as I create a new healthy habit or experience.
As I share in all my classes in the prisons and in the community outside… The one question I ask people to remember to ask their Self… that I ask my Self in any situation is:
As I create new, this helps me to K.I.S.S. everything or KEEP IT SIMPLE SWEETHEART :)
If the mind starts telling stories and the voices in the head start screaming louder it’s because ego has jumped into the driver seat and is distracting us from creating that heart desire or focus of our passion. The stories in the head that sabotage us usually go something like…
You’re not smart enough.
You’re not worthy.
You’re not pretty enough.
You’re not loveable.
You’ll never accomplish that.
You’re not wearing the right clothes.
You don’t have the right car or house.
Basically, keeping us in the loop of some sort of “not good enough”.
The list could go on forever!
All these stories are opportunities to redirect back to what the heart is asking for and what it longs to create and BE… which is LOVE. It really is the answer to everything. I know it sounds cliché AND it truly is the answer to EVERYTHING!
If you find it hard to BE Loving with someone in particular, I invite you to consider seeing them as their 3-year-old self and imagine what you would do to support that young child, instead of the adult that you think “should know better” or that “needs to change”. I use this one all the time, otherwise, I have visions of punching people in the face and that is not loving at all. When I see a 3-year-old version of someone it allows me to let go and/or to cultivate some more compassion.
I am not saying to be a doormat either… I am simply saying that you can do and say anything with LOVE and you will notice a difference in how it and you are received… or how you are able to receive more than you could ever imagine :)
Sometimes ACCEPTING and ALLOWING ALL with LOVE means LETTING GO of that someone, something, or somewhere and CHOOSING to move forward without it or them.
This hurts like hell sometimes and the ego and the analytical mind might try to keep you in the vicious cycle of “UNLOVING” patterns.
We CHOOSE every experience (pleasant or unpleasant) and each one gives us the opportunity to know our Self on a deeper level. Which ones FEEL best... that is what we want to BE Aware of so we can stay in that energy.
The “unpleasant” is there to redirect us back to our purpose (BEing LOVE) and the “pleasant” let’s us know that we’re on the “right track” or that we’re on the PATH OF LEAST RESISTANCE… Truly the best FEELING place to BE :)
So, here’s to the Snow Moon and all the POSSIBILITIES that we hold within! I encourage you to let your “freak flag” fly and BE your Beautiful Unadulterated Self as you create and BE what brings you JOY!
If it or they don’t bring you JOY… ask yourself why you entertain it or them and stop pointing fingers.
And remember that your only purpose on this Earth is to BE You, the Authentic You… Period… End of Story… YOU!?
So, Who are You? Get clear on what that feels like and move forward in the energy of You. There will be many adjustments along the way... that's the journey of BEing Human. Do your best to enjoy every step... Even the not so pleasant ones and you will begin to experience life differently :)
I Love You,
PS… And remember that what other people think of you is none of your f*cking business! Do what you LOVE! Onward and Upward my Lovelies!
Jessica, this is exactly what I needed to read this morning! Thank you for your insights and loving guidance, as always!