Letting Go of The Shoulds
Bea Pole-Bokor
Social Media & Visibility Coach ?? Become more visible in biz & show up more genuinely in life. ?? ThetaHealing?? Instructor | A Social Butterfly keeping it real ??
In this article I invite you to explore how can you really make social media work for you and your business, so that it actually feels good when you are writing that post, creating that video, or planning & sharing any type of content. That you don't have to go by the "shoulds".
We created this case study with my client with the intention to give you some insights on what is possible. I suggest you pause for some minutes, this is not a quick read to get it done, take your time. Savour it. If you like. Enjoy! :)
Leilani and me, we have known each other for some time, and we have just recently reconnected through our businesses.
"I needed Bea to give me advice on how to use Social Media best to grow my business and my followers."
I remember how convinced and outspoken Leilani was about how much she just hates social media and that it is definitely not for her. Who can relate? :)
Social Media can be actually a scary and overwhelming territory, especially when you don't even know what you don't know.
And Leilani - which is her chosen "artist name" btw for this story so we can have her privacy respected - has definitely & significantly?changed her perspective over the past few weeks as she acquired that extra knowledge and instant hands-on experience...
As she said about our meeting: "It?helped me a lot to gain clarity." Let's see her story unfold!
The challenge:
When I asked Leilani what's the best way I can work with her, what does she need, she said: "I actually need everything!" - This is a great one, isn't it?! Leilani was looking for some solid advice on how to use the platforms in the best way...
She had lots of questions that she wanted answered, like:
- How do I grow my followers?
- Can I invite my network to like my page?
- Is there anything to avoid at all costs?
"I sort of know what I'm doing but I don't. I caught myself feeling quite anxious because I don't know what I am doing."
You might know very well how there are all the SHOULDS... What you should be doing, how you should be posting, how often you should be creating the content... So overwhelming...
"I don't know what I am doing but felt like I should be knowing it all."
So, we started addressing each topic one by one.
The solution
During our personalised session, Leilani had the opportunity to get a real time insight and guidance on how Facebook really works, and how to start making it work best for her. We worked together as the space was held and she received support to explore the different scenarios in a secure and fun way.
And most importantly, she got to tune in to what really fitted her.
"I loved the holistic approach - it's not just about the Social Media stuff, it's what goes on in my life that translates into how I show up on Social Media."
The outcome
"I am feeling more clear on how I am going to use Social Media for my business. I am also letting go of the "shoulds" and I am concentrating on what feels right for me. It felt good to be supported with that by you, Bea. I learnt how I can create content easily for my target audience which was very helpful to me."
What Leilani really liked about the program:
What were the limiting beliefs Leilani overcame by completing the program?
"It actually turned out I am doing OK, I am just doing it the way it feels right for me. Bea previously helped me overcome some big visibility blocks which definitely helped me to just go for it and post to my heart's desires."
Leilani's Top Tip and Recommendation:?
"In order to post content you have to identify your target audience. And it really isn't as hard as it sounds."
I imagine something resonated with you if you read this far, and I wonder what that is. I'd love to hear about it! I really am curious, and would love to know.
I get to work with more and more people who want to stand out and show up in an authentic way, in their natural self, without having to fake anything, so they can attract their best clients and do business with fun and ease.
It's been my journey, too. There are so many expectations from people around us, the environments we are in, it can become very overwhelming and draining. I noticed it also took me away form my true purpose and enjoying life.
I would love to see more people around me explore how to feel comfortable in their own skin and start living their life and doing business they always wanted to but never allowed themselves to do so. Imagine what a difference it made for the generations to come.
I wish you have a great day!