Sample Letter of Intent with Explanatory Notes*
Gary Guttenberg
Stockholm Based U.S. & Int'l Business Lawyer / Deal-Maker / Investor, [email protected]. California native.
Letters of Intent ("LOI") are also referred to as Term Sheets, Heads of Agreements, and Memoranda of Understanding. Regardless of the names used for these documents, there are 3 general types:
- Non-binding,
- Partially binding, and
- Fully binding.
Let's have a look at the basic differences and then run through a sample LOI.
*Note that you should always have an attorney review any LOI. This article is for informational/educational purposes only.
- Non-binding Letter of Intent
A non-binding LOI is often a summary of potential deal terms with no commitments by either party. The aim of this document is often merely to ensure each of the parties understands the general framework of a deal, can "consider" accepting commercial terms as summarized subject to further discussion, and thus each party can iterate such document internally in order to obtain necessary approvals to move the discussion forward.
A non-binding letter of intent may or may not be signed and often contains (and should contain) a "Confidential Information" designation on the document as well as language to the effect that:
"This Letter of Intent is non-binding. Neither party shall bear any liability should the transaction contemplated herein not be completed."
Further, if the parties truly intend for the LOI to be non-binding, it is wise to exclude any language that the parties must "put forth good-faith efforts to conclude the deal based on the terms summarized in this term sheet" as this can create a binding component in some jurisdictions and thus create potential legal liabilities.
2. Partially-binding Letter of Intent
A partially-binding LOI may contain a non-binding summary of commercial terms as set forth in point 1 above but also incorporate other binding terms - such as: confidentiality, an exclusivity period (i.e. during which a party will not negotiate a similar deal with third parties), certain payments or a clarification that each party covers its own expenses, and a governing law and dispute resolution section which the parties accept as solely applicable.
To clarify, the parties remain free to walk away from the transaction being considered; however, each party must nevertheless comply with any binding obligations set forth in the LOI (e.g. secrecy, payments, etc) or a breach of contract claim may ensue whether the breached-upon party can take legal action according to the laws, place, and dispute resolution mechanism set forth in the LOI.
In a partially-binding LOI, it is critical to clearly differentiate between which terms are non-binding and which are binding.
3. Fully-binding Letter of Intent
In a fully-binding LOI, the summary of commercial terms is often more complete and may be supplemented by high level legal terms. Moreover, there may be one or more conditions that have to be met before the contemplated transaction becomes finalized (i.e. reduced to a final, signed agreement). If the conditions are satisfied and one of the parties refuses to sign the agreement in question, there may be stated consequences in the LOI- such as, a financial penalty.
Let's take a look at a sample LOI- this one is a partially-binding LOI and relates to a software company engaging in a potential transaction with a third party.
Explanatory notes appear: [italicized within brackets].
This Letter of Intent (“LOI”) is made effective as of [insert] (“Effective Date”) by and between:
[ ], a [ ], corporation, corporate registration number [ ], having its principal place of business at [ ] (“Yy”) and
[ ], a [ ], corporation, corporate registration number [ ], having its principal place of business at [ ] ( “XX”).
Yy and XX shall be referred in the singular tense as “Party” and collectively as the “Parties.”
[Typically the Effective Date can be a specific date or a reference to such date being when the last party signs the LOI. ]
[In the heading section above, insert the full legal name of the parties, the type of party (e.g. corporation, partnership, natural person, etc), an identifying number such as a company registration number, and a complete address sufficient for mailing purposes]
Yy has developed certain Software and related Support Materials (a specification of which is set forth in and attached hereto Appendix “A”) which enable [ ];
XX is [ ];
XX wishes to [ ] in connection with the Software and Support Materials;
The Parties desire to negotiate and sign a [ ] agreement to enable the Software to be [ ] (“Definitive Agreement”); and
The Parties wish to set forth the basis of the Definitive Agreement pursuant to the terms and conditions of this LOI.
[Given some transactions considered in an LOI may be complex, it is best to provide a basic background for the parties involved and if the LOI ultimately ends up having to be adjudicated].
NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties agree as follows:
1. Intent.
1.1 Interpretation of Section 2 (Definitive Agreement). The matters set forth in Section 2 of this LOI constitute an expression of the Parties’ mutual intent in connection with the terms and conditions to be contained in the Definitive Agreement. Each Party agrees to negotiate, execute, and deliver the Definitive Agreement, no later than [insert date], on terms and conditions materially consistent with those set forth in Section 2 below. Neither Party shall bear any liability in connection with the Parties’ failure to enter into the Definitive Agreement.
1.2 Interpretation of Section 3 (Binding Agreements). The provisions of Section 3 of this LOI are, upon the Effective Date, fully binding on the Parties hereto and shall, unless expressly stated otherwise in this LOI, continue to bind the Parties until the LOI is superseded by the Definitive Agreement or as otherwise stated herein.
2. Definitive Agreement [These are just some examples of commercial and/or legal terms that may be addressed in an LOI pertaining to a software company].
2.1 Term of Definitive Agreement.
2.2 Grant of License and Restrictions.
2.3 Duties of the Parties.
2.4 Remuneration.
2.5 Maintenance and Support.
2.6 Professional Services.
2.7 Ownership.
2.8 Publicity Right.
2.9 Governing Law and Dispute Resolution.
2.10 Limitation of Liability.
2.11 Other.
3. Binding Agreements.
3.1 Confidentiality. This LOI and all information exchanged between the Parties in connection herewith shall be deemed Confidential Information, subject to the terms and conditions of the [e.g. NDA] entered into by and between the Parties on [insert date].
3.2 Expenses. Each Party will bear its own expenses incurred in connection with this LOI and the Definitive Agreement (unless stated otherwise in the Definitive Agreement).
3.3 Term and Termination. The term of this LOI shall commence upon the Effective Date and continue until such time as the Definitive Agreement is executed by and between the Parties, unless otherwise terminated according to the terms and conditions of this Section 3.3. This LOI may be terminated and negotiations related to the Definitive Agreement may be abandoned (i) at any time, by mutual written consent of the Parties hereto, or (ii) by either Party hereto, in writing, at any time after [insert date] if the Definitive Agreement has not been executed by the Parties thereto by such date. In the event of termination, the Parties’ respective obligations under Section 3.1 and Section 3.2 shall survive the termination hereof. Further, in the event of termination, pursuant to this Section 3.3, the Parties agree to execute the termination notice set forth in and attached hereto as Appendix “B.”
[It is generally best to keep the term of an LOI as short as possible, e.g. 30, 60 or 90 days]
3.4 Assignment. Neither this LOI nor any of the rights, interests or obligations contained in this LOI shall be assigned by either of the Parties hereto. Any attempted assignment shall be void.
3.5 Severability. Should any part of this LOI be deemed unenforceable by a court or tribunal of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect. The Parties shall, furthermore, put forth their best efforts to replace the unenforceable or void term with an enforceable term which most closely reflects the intended commercial and legal effect of the severed provision.
3.6 Amendments. Any amendment to, or waiver in connection with, this LOI shall only be effective if in writing and signed by the Parties.
3.7 Relationship of the Parties. The Parties agree that this LOI does not form any type of partnership, joint venture or the like, and neither Party shall have the right to bind the other or make commitments on the other’s behalf for any reason.
3.8 Entire Agreement. This LOI, the appendices attached hereto, and any other agreements expressly referred to herein, constitute the entire agreement between the Parties concerning the subject matter of this LOI, and therefore supersedes all memoranda, representations, undertakings, and agreements, whether oral or written, previously made between the Parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement. To clarify, this LOI shall not operate to supersede any agreement expressly stated herein.
3.9 Dispute Resolution. This LOI, the interpretation of this LOI, and any disputes arising hereunder shall be governed by the substantive laws of [insert] giving no effect to any conflict of laws rules of any jurisdiction. Should the Parties be unable to amicably settle any dispute, such dispute shall be finally settled by [insert applicable court or arbitral tribunal]. The losing Party shall pay the prevailing Party’s reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs in connection with a dispute resolved pursuant to this Section 3.9.
[Note it may be wise to include language as in Section 3.9 that the losing party pays the prevailing party's legal costs and fees- as some countries (such as the United States) do not generally follow this principle which is common in Europe.]
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this LOI has been duly signed by authorized representatives of the Parties hereto, in two (2) identical counterparts, at the places and on the dates written below.
[It is important to verify that the signing party has legal authority to bind its company- if this is a partially or fully binding LOI]
Place: Place:
Date: ____________________ Date: ___________________
By: ____________________ By: _____________________Name: Name:
Termination Notice
In connection with the termination of the LOI entered into between Yy and XX on [insert date] (“LOI”), the Parties hereby acknowledge that:
(i) We have terminated our good-faith negotiations concerning the Definitive Agreement. We confirm that neither Party has any obligation or liability to the other regarding the failure to enter into the Definitive Agreement; and
(ii) Each of us has complied and shall continue to comply with the terms of Section 3.1 (Confidentiality) of the LOI.
Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ Yy
[insert Name, title]
Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ XX
[insert Name, title]
Given the unique risks of every situation warranting an LOI, a legal review by a qualified attorney of the context/agreement should be conducted. We aim to simplify your company's business / legal needs whether domestic or international. Feel free to Contact Us, [email protected], to learn more about how we can help you. Also, visit our testimonial portfolio to see what we have been doing:
Thank you for your interest and best of luck with your business!
*This article is not legal advice and is provided for general information purposes only.