Letter to You

Letter to You

When the winter goes and spring takes its place, 

it brightens the eyes and colors the face 

I have a quest for the unreluctant soul

It requires not hurrying to, nor turning from the goal

One shouldn’t bewail the things that disappear, 

Nor hold on to things one can’t control, or hold back in fear 


Your heart will keep the courage of the quest, 

Hold on to hope and trust the roads next turn will be the best. 

What was cold and buried in the forests ground, 

now suddenly comes up and makes a sound

So go through the woods and follow the light, 

it’s the path of the moon, in the darkest night 

Stepping into the fields so fresh and green, 

tears of hope, and power and all that should be seen 

It’s present in all, that magic of light,

Though wild, and untamed, it burns dewy bright  

It should be seen, and fully be

The art of love, compassion and humanity

Though shadows gaze, and much we miss,

Unforgettable is the taste of earthly bliss

So paint the walls, and brighten the skies, 

Bring heart to those with tearful eyes 

As we mourn for all that’s perished and gone, 

remember we will, yet heal and slowly move on


