A Letter to the women of now and future
Farhan Ghori
Building transformative SaaS platform empowering manufacturing industry and enterprises to run sustainable operations with enhanced safety & security and real-time optimization leveraging IoT and AI technologies.
Subject: Future is yours to write
There is something extraordinary about you. You would be the ones who would be putting an end to mankind's most historic and stable prejudice throughout history - the patriarchy. It is the only prejudice that has maintained its acceptance regardless of religion, nation, color or race. But what's more extraordinary is that you hold in your hands the future of not only women but of the humankind, of the animals and the entire ecosystem.
The fact that you are going to put an end to patriarchy is inevitable. Humankind rules the planet and other species not because of its muscle power, but because of its cognitive and social skills that help us as species to cooperate better for survival. You are far better in that than men. Men and women have followed entirely different evolutionary paths until now but thanks to the digital revolution, no one can keep you in the darkness anymore. You will learn faster and rise through the ranks of men to compete only with the best regardless of gender. The seeds of thought not sown for thousands of years are now in abundance. The vigor you carry for the cause is probably the strongest energy around in any group in this era. The energy itself is going to bring miracles for you.
You hold power that mankind never thought it would ever have. You have the chance to re-write history and tell them that men have been wrong all along. You have the chance to prove that a world without discrimination does exist. A world that doesn't discriminate against men and women who are poor or black or belonging to a third world country. That black and white are both beautiful. You have the chance to build a world that doesn't manipulate people on religious and ethnic hatred. A world that is free of politicians who do not discriminate between men and women when they slaughter for their political gains.
They will say it is an ideal world and doesn't exist. They will tell you that it has never happened in history and only exists in paradise. Let them be. They have made it a definition of paradise because of their incapability and selfishness to materialize it. You will make it happen as long as you envision it. You will have to prepare yourself for this. You will have to take on the painful task of questioning everything that is the accepted order and molding it. The slogans you hold today are going to mold our future. Let them misunderstand you if they don't want to understand. As we March ahead, let us also raise the slogans that help you build the world we all need. Slogans that set the right vision and purpose!
Farhan Ghori