A letter to Those Who Have Not, but Desire to Write a Book.
Part 1
It has never been easier to publish a book. It has never been easier to spend a small fortune to publish a book. It has never been easier to fail as an author. It has never been easier to buy your way onto the bestseller lists. It is still hard work to succeed.
During my life I have found there to be three types of people when it comes to responding to a vision:
1. There are those who see their vision and it scares them to death. They freeze in their tracks. The vision dies with them.
2. There are those who see their vision and it excites them. However, as they research what it takes to accomplish their vision—time, money, work—they decide the investment is too much and the vision dies with them.
3. There are those who see their vision and it excites them. They research what it takes to accomplish their vision—time, money, work—and they take the first step, then the second, and they keep going. They take each obstacle as it comes. And they never take their eye off the vision until it is accomplished.
I love working with the third person. It is exciting, exhilarating, and it keeps me motivated.
I rarely experience the first person.
The second person wears me out and saddens me when I see their vision die a slow painful death. They come to me excited, enthusiastic, with dreams of writing a bestseller that will become a big movie and make them a celebrity. But as time wears on and as they realize how difficult it is to get out of their comfort zone, what it takes to publish a good book, and how hard it is to build a readership, their vision grows dim and the light finally flickers out.
This includes many who say God gave them a book to write. For some reason, they seem to think He will do everything for them. However, the way I see it, the call to being an author is no different from the call to be a missionary.
Just for grins, I looked online to see what is involved in becoming a career missionary with Ethnos. I chose them because I have missionary friends who serve with them. If you will take the time to read ‘The process to become a career missionary’ you may have a revelation.
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3 年I published my first book a few months back and I saw it as an act of obedience so I definitely fall into the mission category. I also work with a lot of new authors and I think your three categories are spot on. I almost fell into category two but then after having a critical eye read my book, I lept into category three. For me, the educational part of learning how to build that readership, how FB ads work, how to market and sell my own work, is an adventure.
Margaret Welwood, Freelance Writer and Editor
4 年Interestingly, I noticed a trend when meeting new English as a Second Language students. Those in Group 2 were well able to articulate their goals and enthusiasm. But those who persevered (Group 3) were a little different. They did not necessarily shine at first, but they persisted and learned well.