Elizabeth ASKREN, Ph.D.
Cheffe d'orchestre, directrice artistique, culturepreneuse, professeur
Coming from a family who has been politically divided with both Republicans and Democrats under the same roof, I have grown up with respect for both sides of a well-reasoned and balanced argument: the role of Federal government vs. independence of each state; tax rates and where those dollars should go; foreign and domestic economic policy; the role of the US in global politics.
Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, Theodore Roosevelt, George H.W. Bush were some of the most significant and upstanding Republican Presidents to govern the United States. Their inspired leadership abolished slavery; put an end to the Civil War; mediated the Russo-Japanese War and won the Nobel Peace prize for it; and played a key role in the reunification of Germany. Never was the Republican party espousing values in direct contradiction with the principles of democracy upon which our country was founded. Never was the Republican party tolerant of dictators.
Since 2016, the Republican party has been tragically infiltrated by a Trojan horse bringing depravity, amorality, corrosion, and hate into the very core of your political platform. Party values and stances have been consistently skewed, perverted, or corrupted for personal gain. The Republican party's reputation has been severely damaged and discredited by the current President's behavior.
Republicans must stand united against such infamy and take back the dignity of your party. I implore traditional Republicans to RECLAIM YOUR PARTY, to denounce this dictatorial, anti-Democratic and anti-American representative, and stand up for the true values of the Republican party.
Defend and protect your party. Expel the cancer within it. Work to restore the dignity and integrity of the Republican party, and let us return to a healthy debate of real issues, with consideration and facts to fuel our conversation.
#unitedwestand #epluribusunum #unitedstatesofamerica #withlibertyandjusticeforall