Letter To POTUS IV
Letter to POTUS IV
I`ve got to comment on your First Address to the Nation.
It was magnificent and impressive no matter what the petty reaction from the Rep that addressed it. Not only was it weak but made manifest their vulgar objection to that magnificence. They failed to see or understand the objectives, being profane to those values as well as lacking the vision, could only flashback to what he thought could be valid but also was mistaken. So, don`t worry a second over this. Focus on letting WE THE PEOPLE KNOW what you have been doing. ALL that has been done, these last 99 days, had never been done before.
Besides they`ve never really cared for the majority of the people, that they don`t consider their peers due to lower economical or academic status, but, that is the reality of most Americans.
Loving to support your Spirit as well as your commitment to CHANGE the evident collapse of infrastructure as well as those values that MADE America what it was as our World Champion in development, Human Rights, Environment and Leading most of the planet`s countries into a better future MUST be what The People understand IS your primal objective. To hear any of those object, is mainly due to their lack of loyalty to The People, because they cannot deny what the actual infrastructure situation as much as that of the country`s values and mutual respect among all races. This is what had made America Great and not some petty creature intending to enrich his small fortune in exchange of betrayal to the Greatest Country we had until somehow, The People have lost control over their Congress people that mainly dedicate their time to their OWN interests other than the country`s.
We must make it known to ALL AMERICAN PEOPLE what it is that MUST be done and you have a precise criterion in those regards that MAKE IT MANDATORY for all those reps support it but by all means, promote these propositions among all The People because IT is their decision not the reps. By this I mean what I mentioned, make an extended publication where all details are shared for all to ponder and you will see. THEY, will ALL demand those representatives to support your programs OR demand they present within the next 24 hours what they`d do instead. You will see they are clueless to what meaningful presentation you gave us last night that cannot be ignored or simply discarded because they don’t like it and THEY SHOULD ACKNOWLEDGE they don`t have anything close to the VERY Heart of the situation.
Another issue they constantly condemn you for IS the so-called border crisis. MAKE them KNOW, the crisis indeed exists but in the countries of all those risking their lives to reach their American Dream. CRISIS CAUSED BY THE REPS MISSMANAGEMENT of International Politics back in the 50’s, 60’s and so on. IT IS HISTORIC to pin point the causes, mainly reps`s fault.
Mind you, dear Joe, your presentation IS Historic. IT gives the Country a chance to change all what has been abandoned and THOSE VALUES you are proving you LIVE, ARE REAL not some fictitious creature out to deceive and profit from those lies.
So, according to my point of view, those critters, poisonous insects, ought not worry your lucid mind.
Rather, inspire yourself to a valid information to the Nation. All the details as well as the numbers projected, both the investment the whereabouts the allocation of the funds and what `s to be expected from The People: To demand their Congressmen and women, to partake actively in all the programs you invited them to. THE WILL of the People IS what matters. They`re doing more harm to whatever credibility they may have left with the way they`re behaving.
Let the people know. Using precise stats as viable instruments, this will make it available to the Millennials that DO have that awareness and are hungry to see it in the Government. I`m certain you will see the feedback within the next few days, as well as all those that ARE conscious of the impressive work rhythm these days have represented in fruition for the people.
Fanatism isn`t good or healthy but the one we could have for a belief as in what I promote, the Light of Truth. But the BIG difference is that WE MUST LIVE this desire, this Spirit, this feeling of Love for the truth. Because getting there takes miracles in commission, instead of sinning and living a beastly philosophy, love to live that Spirit of Light, of Truth, that is given to us thru the Mercy of the Lord, The Holy Ghost.
To foresee what you and Kamala as well as all those that are behind your meaningful objectives, convinces anyone aware of those objectives that Do, prove to be clear and with a deep interest to make them all sustainable. The fact you stressed the importance of unity did work for all those of us that are not fanatical in what concerns human attachments to some non-descript commitments but yours . I have no doubt in my mind that all of these are feasible and doable with that unity and quality rendition. To have the priviledge to witness the fruition, is gonna be indescribably marvelous.
Because of my half century involvement in multidisciplinary and multidimensional focus, I can SEE clearly, in the Light of Truth, all of these programs WILL continue to prove your quality and loyalty to what the Nation really needs and don`t doubt for a second, all those republicans that were fooled by pettypotus`s lies and premises based in half assed fallacies HAVE SEEN the abyssal difference between that demonic creature and that of a relevant genuine man with values and goals that clarifies any and all doubts as comparison to what this poor rep hinted. Warp speed for the vaccines is alright to mention but bear in mind that all 30,000 lies and twisted info are no contest for anyone trying to defend or promote that fiend whatsoever. As the terrible amount of deaths, that a valid criterion would have compelled the person do something totally opposite of what their criminal boss hinted he could be immune to the virus not wearing the mask, setting a criminal example to the population. Worse impact to those gullible that thought of the cubic beast to be something he only had heard of, a true conscious, loyal and honorable man.
Inasmuch as I understand there are serious investigations finding the legal foundations to all the crimes that miserable being promoted and provoked will be available for legal procedures make it a satisfactory ends to what is the beginning of the end of all those that still believe in crummy objectives and petty gains. I`m quite pending to hear about it.
I believe you are informed of all the things I publish because the relevance of your support therein is vital. All aspects and those in specific areas. Perhaps, within your very busy days you could take a look at a couple. One of the first was: Nobody`s Gonna Like this. Another: How to save Life and the Planet from Covid-19 and other Lethal Virus.
I end this document sharing some private personal info that have me and my family in a very unenviable situation today.
I`d like to say I`m doing fine but it is not so. As I`ve mentioned, that due to my public posture against corruption and the emphasis in regards to stating there IS a viable solution to malnutrition for Guatemaya in 5 years and that, that program IS replicable worldwide with the application of the Integrated Program SAVING those patients undergoing such neuronal loss in their young lives, NOT in half century or 80 years as some pseudo scientists stated after agreeing to look into this Shameful Tragedy but selling out to that president`s interests said it would take 50 years but it is because they have always employed this terrible situation as a Trojan Horse to plead for funds that will ALWAYS be embezzled as they have done so for decades, doctoring the international info as to justify further donations and the situation IS what it is today precisely because of that. They`ve hated my guts for it and always had tried and found perverse ways to affect my family as well. Unfortunately they`ve succeeded because I have been totally without any defense or support from anyone.
These two aspects have nurtured deep and impacting retaliation upon me for decades. My half brothers and sisters stole my $70M inheritance in 1975 upon my dad`s demise, changing his Last Will into a fraudulent one when my dad was in his death bed in a very sad situation at 75 suffering from senile dementia and several other pathologies but the first one is crucial in these regards. They excused themselves by saying I was an atheist, a commie and a traitor.
Thereafter, retaliation from the fanatical corrupted forces, thru corrupted lawyers, serving themselves to my rejection to an offer to launder $200M on my land and criminally achieved taking part of it thru the at that time president`s cousins(2000-4), to register a fraudulent operation with pre conceived obstruction of justice, motive and nepotism as well as influence peddling against me. Because of their privileged position they had all the doors open to do so and they did. Upon being formally threatened to death if I objected or presented myself in defense, they got their objective but I have proof of some of the illegalities that would tumble their fraud and perhaps also achieve damages in my favor. I had no way to defend myself.
All the above, have caused $300M losses in 20 painful years of suffering and great limitations even having these bastards offered me $75M Per $500M laundering operations that could be done on a weekly basis, which I also rejected. The situation was warlike against those like me. Had I gone denounce this to the Public Ministry, I probably wouldn`t have walked out of the building and there would have been someone waiting to waste me. Case Closed. No formal accuser and they would look into it out of compliance with the globalised crime, reigning within that institution because of the juicy rewards for the relevant snitch. So far very little has changed and worsened since the clown (jimmy morales) ousted CICCIG illegally, all those I mentioned and their bosses have reined impunibly since.
There were other very scarce opportunities for me to earn some money, but there were other situations where, apparently clean activities as in the scientific field, would be subject to certain conditions that conveyed accepting illegal commissions and other bonuses that made me reject and withdraw from them, because one would become their accomplice, wasting my valuable time. This happened thru the last 3 decades.
I hope that time will allow me to show you evidence in the property illegal takeover, and of course, you may have gathered the situation my family faces is critical. My four daughters aren`t studying this year because I couldn`t pay last year’s tuition and this is very mortifying for a 70 year old dad. We`re actually living where I used to have my lab and clinic precisely because of my financial collapse. The building is in a red zone and it isn`t where we should be. To purchase home wifi service is impossible here because a drug cartel has captured the area and do not allow the companies enter to install an antenna but they charge thrice what these companies do for the Q550 package which is that of cable, phone and wifi. These only give you the wifi for that price with deficient signal and it is a crummy service where the signal goes and sometimes it is hours before it returns. I have not done that but I`m suffering from the lack. Health wise things for my wife and myself are complex. Having she and I hernias, both need surgery and I suffered a couple of strokes that affected me terribly last year multidimensionally, and this signal situation, have had me suffer the freezing of my almost all scientific activities because of lacking the mandatory resources to keep in action, meant further limitations and angst.
Will continue tomorrow.
There has been lots of criticism from those rep beasts and even Mitch ensued. But, as I had said prior to knowing or listening to their objections, NOT ONE is a valid one. So, please ponder in what I humbly suggest and you will see The People support your programs, regardless whatever hepatic congestion any of those fiends would have.
Make sure ALL your Democrat Congressmen and women, understand fully what it is they are supporting, not allowing stupidity to darken what is a lucid historic proposal for the best future for the country. Furthermore, have an intensive meeting will all and discuss to the minute details what it is and what fruition has been calculated in reality not in fallacies.
Real dedication conveys real support.
With my best Spirit and support to your Goals I understand fully for the best future for America and the planet.
God Bless and God Speed to Both you and Kamala and your teams, Dear Joe. Dear POTUS.
Edgar Emilio