A Letter to Our Members - April, 2023
Association of Energy Engineers Columbia River Chapter
AEE Chapter serving members in Oregon, SW Washington & Idaho
Happy Spring, everyone! Pardon our absence in Q1, but we’ve been busy as bees lining up a swarm of events for you to enjoy this year.
Meet the Columbia River Chapter board for 2023 (you can find photos and bios of each board member on our website here):
Board members at large:
Introducing new board members this year:
Thank you to our outgoing board members who gave their time and dedication to AEE CRC. We appreciate all the work you've done, and we will miss your faces at board meetings!
We have already had a running start for events this year! Here is a look at what we have already done:
Spring Energy Engineering Forum
Mark your calendars for other events to bloom in the next couple of months, and keep an eye out for those to unfurl later this year:
Spring Building Tour
Summer Social (In Partnership with Oregon APEM)
Fall Building Tour
Certified Energy Manager (CEM) Training
Fall Energy Engineering Forum
Holiday Party and Wrench of the Year Awards
CEM Training?
Call for Energy Engineering Forum Presenters:
Do you have a topic you’d like to present? Share your work with the rest of the chapter and earn professional development hours doing so! Please reach out to [email protected] to discuss details.
Support for Publications:
Did you know that AEE Corporate publishes three quarterly journals that include submissions from members? If you are interested in writing a paper for consideration to be published, we would like to offer a chance to have the work peer-reviewed before submission. Submissions can be made to our chapter Treasurer, Bill Kostich, or through our submission portal online.
Wrench of the Year (WOY) Awards:
We continue the tradition of recognizing the amazing work of the “wrench turners” out there with our annual Wrench of the Year Award Ceremony. We are now accepting nominations for 2023 projects! Please make your submissions through this online form.
Renewable Energy Scholarship Foundation (RESF):
The AEE Columbia River Chapter is raising funds to gift a named scholarship to the Renewable Energy Scholarship Foundation. This local organization recognizes students in Oregon and Washington who are making impactful contributions to the energy field. You can find more information about RESF here. More information about making donations to come.
For any questions, comments, or just to say hi, please connect with us on our website, on LinkedIn, or send an email to [email protected]. Give us a buzz, we’d love to hear from you.??
Best Regards,
Gertrude Villaverde
CRC Board President