Letter to My Twinflame
My Dearest Twinflame,
I just want you to know that I'm now truly ready for you. I've wanted, loved, and longed for you all my life.
I'm sorry for the delay.
There were things I had to go through on my own so that when we are finally reunited in this plane called Earth with all the illusions of a linear time, I will have grown to the woman I'm meant to be. A woman who can love to the depths that you and myself are meant to be loved, respected and appreciated.?
While you were away, I was making painful but necessary mistakes to learn from so I won't make them with you.
Painful experiences that were necessary to peel off the unnecessary layers of my ego so I could reach certain depths within my soul... so I could be my realest, most loving self with you and myself...
I love you. Thank you for your love, faith and patience.
I will see you soon.
Although soon is just another illusion, as in our hearts and souls, we have been, are and will always be together.?
After all, time, space and distance are just illusory references to make sense of this 3D earth experience....?
Love and Till We Rendezvous,