A Letter to My Just-Out-of-College Self
Dear Twenty-two-Year-Old Me,
Congratulations as you turn the page, an actual diploma in one hand and an imaginary pen in the other, at the ready to write your next chapter. You're excited about moving forward, relying on a collection of assumptions and beliefs about the world. Notions from childhood or inherited. Others, new and entirely your own. Some are still subconscious and taking form.
Your future seems like a single wide road to destinations unknown. But you don't yet see that there are so many paths from which you will get to choose. Developing a life path touchstone starting now will help guide you. Here are some elements you might want to include:
?Connect with YOUniqueness
On most days, you will have chances to focus on your distinctive abilities. Be mindful of how you feel as you move through your day – what lights you up? When is your focus effortlessly sharp? Or when you feel energized despite knowing there's a lot to do? When are you in a state of flow? Those moments are clues. They are beacons directing you to purpose. Steve Jobs once said, "You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future."
The world responds to excitement and energy. So the more flow confidence you emit, the more opportunities for flow you will attract – in the form of experiences and people (which brings me to your circle.)
Shape your circle with intention
Constantly check the size and quality of the group that most often surrounds you. Better a small circle of friends, colleagues, and mentors that lift you than a large one that distracts you from your flow. Is it a positive one? Who is adding to your energy or sapping it? Are you learning from them? Your circle is your future. Choose wisely.
Blend, imperfectly
As life gets more complicated at work and at home (which it will), strive for blend, not balance. The sooner you accept that imbalance is inevitable and perfection is not the point, the better. Now is the time to start learning and applying techniques and tricks to achieve a manageable blend. This includes setting boundaries and expectations – and keeping to them. Learn to handle distractions and procrastination by committing to being fully present at the moment for the person or task in front of you. Identify systems and solutions (for example, what can you outsource?) that support the blend, even if imperfect.
Acta Non Verba
Deeds, not words. Set goals, but be a doer, not a dreamer. There's a lot of talk these days about manifesting what you want – but it still requires doing the work. The power is in you to make it happen. Action creates the magnet of attraction. I agree with Dale Carnegie that "Action breeds confidence and courage." Make a habit of breaking down what you want to achieve – whether it's a project or a life milestone – into discrete steps. Focus on the move in front of you. Make it and take on the next one.
Always be learning
Adopt a lifelong learner's mindset – challenge yourself to learn something new every day, even if it's a small fact. This means getting comfortable about asking questions and revealing your ignorance. The right people will see that as a sign of strength and reward your intellectual curiosity. The wrong ones – well, you don't want to be around that kind of negativity (see my comments on your circle above).
Setbacks are setups for comebacks
Don't be afraid of failure – it is an essential ingredient to success. Mistakes and missteps are chances to grow smarter, stronger, agile, and resilient. Welcome them as a part of the learning curve. When you screw up (and you will), you have two choices: cave or course correct. Snapback after a setback by reorganizing, reevaluating, and recovering. Take the next step, even if you're scared. Sumner Redstone said, "Success is not built on success. It's built on failure. It's built on frustration. Sometimes it's built on catastrophe."
So, dear Me, go forth knowing you will be okay. Please take comfort in knowing that almost everyone is figuring it out as they go along. You can smooth the path a bit if you are compassionate to those you encounter along the way, but most importantly yourself. Now get out there and build a life you love!