Letter to OR Judge re: Public Execution
Credit to Dr. Karin Huffer re: Legal Abuse Syndrome https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IE6uL1YOpoc

Letter to OR Judge re: Public Execution

Dear Judge Hernandez-

Congratulations on being Senators Wyden and Merkley’s top pick nominee for the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. I have a special request (bolded below) as you will undoubtedly continue to climb to higher positions of power. But a few things need to be said first.

One of the basic human rights he takes away from you is the right to be angry with him. No matter how badly he treats you, he believes that your voice shouldn’t rise and your blood shouldn’t boil. The privilege of rage is reserved for him alone. When your anger does jump out of you—as will happen to any abused woman from time to time—he is likely to try to jam it back down your throat as quickly as he can. Then he uses your anger against you to prove what an irrational person you are. Abuse can make you feel straitjacketed. You may develop physical or emotional reactions to swallowing your anger, such as depression, nightmares, emotional numbing, or eating and sleeping problems, which your partner may use as an excuse to belittle you further or make you feel crazy.”

Lundy Bancroft, Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men (https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/domestic-violence)

This is the list of people who receive notices from the court for my case:

Andrea Olson [email protected]

Eric H. Rumbaugh [email protected]

Ivan Resendiz Gutierrez (Terminated) [email protected], [email protected]

James E. Cox , Jr [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Jared Hager [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Jenna Leigh Mooney [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Kalia Walker [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Kirk A. Pelikan [email protected]

Thomas C. Sand (Terminated) [email protected], [email protected]

I, Andrea Olson, am the sole plaintiff who NEVER asked nor wanted to be pro se. I can’t for reasons of disability and indigence. I am also not a lawyer. My joint employer case involved Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), part of the Department of Energy (DOE) and MBO Partners (MBO), a gig economy leader which received investor infusion by Primus Capital earlier this year.

C is for collusion. I thought it was only BPA and MBO that was colluding but it is obvious the circle is wider. While I can support the truth with facts (and have declared many facts already for the court), I am powerless against corruption. You are a judge, Judge Hernandez, and you are in this circle, too.

When you were sworn in, here is what you promised under 28 U.S. Code 453:

Each justice or judge of the United States shall take the following oath or affirmation before performing the duties of his office: “I, ___ ___, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as ___ under the Constitution and laws of the United States. So help me God.” (June 25, 1948, ch. 646, 62 Stat. 907; Pub. L. 101–650, title IV, § 404, Dec. 1, 1990, 104 Stat. 5124.)(https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/28/453)

I, Andrea Olson, do solemnly swear that you have not administered justice thus far and attest through thorough and objective analysis and evidence of your actions to date, that you also do not intend to uphold the laws under the Constitution and laws of this country. Just as Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) and MBO Partners (MBO) are the poster children for how the government and corporations can misclassify workers and get away with it, you are the poster child for the quote about ‘justice only being available for those who can afford it’.

At a very basic level regarding contracts, here is the background:

ABO (that’s me) contracts with BPA 1/2010 (five year contract)

MBO contracts with BPA 9/2010

BPA tells ABO to ‘sign up’ with MBO 12/2011 or else have her contract with BPA terminated

ABO ‘signs up’ with MBO as ordered by BPA 1/2012

BPA closes ABO’s contract without her knowledge or consent on 5/14/2012

BPA and MBO negotiates ABO’s rate without her knowledge or consent for less than contracted rates as if a temp worker, with MBO giving out W2’s and both claiming ABO an ‘independent contractor’.

I received no benefits whatsoever paid for by MBO because MBO charged me for all the ‘benefits’ and employer as well as employee taxes. And MBO charged me for the ‘privilege’ of exploiting me on top of everything else.

And then, BPA fired me, cc’ing MBO, on 4/30/2014. After that it was all pure deception with BPA claiming to have zero knowledge of my relationship with MBO and denying contract breaching when I had asked too many questions in early 2014. I was forced to go through a contract appeals process where I was subjected to legal abuse, while juggling the federal EEO ‘investigation’ requirements as well as the private EEO ‘investigation’ requirements because BPA refused to participate in the joint investigation as required in the federal EEO guidelines. So many hoops that I’ve jumped through!

Thus far under your watch, Judge Hernandez, while unable to participate in legal proceedings under medical restriction, I have been excluded from two status conference calls as well as multiple court notices such as the one entered on Halloween. And you’ve already bumped MBO off the case to arbitration. I had laid the whole thing out the first time I filed the motion objecting to arbitration. Your bias was so apparent and I was in complete disbelief that you, the judge, could disregard the truth.

I’m publicly sharing three of the four medical documents provided to you personally, and most recently I filed them for the record on October 31, 2017 because you and your court ignored all of them. I was also unaware of any action whatsoever on the motion I filed on the 31st until an advocate looked it up, and learned you are giving yourself two weeks to respond. One week has already passed. Note: it is 10:50 am on November 7, 2017 and I just now received an email notification from your court granting the extension. I’m not editing this letter otherwise because granting the extension doesn’t change the fact that you are flagrantly ignoring medical documents stating I am not able to participate in legal proceedings. Depositions are legal proceedings. It was under duress by Mr. Cox that I filed the motion for extension of discovery for the deposition. If I didn’t file for extension, you would have dismissed my case. And as my life is on this, I had to do something to keep you from dismissing the case for my missing a deadline even though I am grasping for air to keep my case alive in your corrupt court. I am triggered as I am typing this and I’m not going to edit this.

It is flagrant prima facie legal abuse and a violation of human rights to ignore medical documentation from three qualified medical professionals. And downright evil to force a vulnerable person to wait for your decision for two weeks when you granted Mr. James Cox’s motion for extension the day he requested it last month on the very day discovery was due. The trauma is unbearable. It is obvious you are trying to figure out a way to get rid of me because I can’t participate in legal proceedings and the truth alone speaks for itself. As there are apparently proper procedures to follow when deposing someone, I can see very clearly and with absolute certainty that any semblance of due process is impossible. The truth has been known by all, and all are doing everything to suppress it.

It was outright vicious that Mr. Cox would not agree to an extension on discovery unless I agreed through an advocate to be deposed face-to-face. As I once again had no apparent choice (bullying, retaliation, intimidation), the motion for extension on discovery indicates the deposition is planned for sometime this month. There is no reason for a face-to-face deposition at all except for the sole purpose of more abuse because all the major facts of the case are already known by all and not disputed with facts or proof by anyone. Mr. Cox, just because BPA enjoyed the opportunity to traumatize me during my meeting (against medical guidance) with Mr. Scott Hampton and Mr. Anthony Jackson on June 4, 2014 where Mr. Hampton’s rationale for meeting with me in person (after I was already fired) was solely so he could ‘see my face’; and just because BPA enjoyed the opportunity to try and terrorize me further by having security accost and traumatize me before my meeting with the ‘independent’ BPA EEO ‘investigator’, Ms. Darlene Marcellay-Hyland, on October 29, 2014- these events do not give you the right to try and duplicate the plays again via your ‘take it or leave it’ demand for a ‘face to face’ deposition. From what I understand, you didn’t even follow the rules for properly deposing someone.

Judge Hernandez, you have had some of my medical documents for over a year. Because you have done nothing to uphold my lawful and Constitutional rights and you continue to abuse me through this legal process, the public needs to know what you have done and continue to do, ASAP.

I’ve had enough of the legal abuse. I’ve already been sufficiently abused by Judge Stephen M. Daniels, Judge Patricia J. Sheridan, and Judge Molly B. Powell. I was denied due process because they were biased. The CBCA is part of the GSA and contracts with MBO as MBO does with the EEOC and the DOJ, too. BPA is a federal government agency and government protects government. You are the last straw because you are at the very last place where any semblance of justice could or would be found.

Judge Daniels and Judge Sheridan used bullying, intimidation, and harassment to deny my rights in the Civilian Board of Contract Appeals (CBCA) process, part of the General Services Administration (GSA). Even back then, my medical provider at the time said I could not participate in legal proceedings, but I naively disregarded the advice because I illogicallly thought I had no choice and trusted the legal system to help uphold my rights to be heard. Judge Sheridan literally and frighteningly chased me down with phone calls and emails. In addition, Ms. Donna Oden-Orr, BPA legal, and Mr. Jon Wright, BPA legal, played a joyful game of ping pong for awhile with Ms. Oden-Orr on the ‘EEO front’ and Mr. Wright on the ‘CBCA front’.

It is sick and inhumane to subject a human being to the level of legal abuse I’ve endured over the past few years.

Ms. Oden-Orr has claimed I was hard of hearing but not deaf (what are her clinical credentials to dispute a verifiable fact?), released confidential medical information to Mr. Eric Rumbaugh without my consent, and also requested 10 years worth of all of my medical documentation, with Judge Powell doing nothing (thus condoning the behavior) to uphold federal EEO rules. Further, Mr. Cox apparently indicated Ms. Oden-Orr would be present for the as yet unscheduled deposition. Ms. Oden-Orr has been well aware of my mental health for the past few years- her name, voice, and person are triggering of current trauma. The face-to-face deposition is just another set up to try and get me to do something (while under medical restriction) to destroy my case. And a repeat of the abuse when I was forced to meet with Mr. Scott Hampton, BPA Supplemental Labor Management Office (with Mr. Anthony Jackson, BPA EEO present), also against medical advice, on June 5, 2014. I honestly thought that EEO was a real thing… (it’s not). And Mr. Wright told Mr. Richard Senders, Esq. that he would “run out the clock”. That’s not good lawyering- that is pure bullying, intimidation, retaliation, and abuse. Only the insecure pick on weak people to feel powerful. That’s not ‘winning’ at all.

I am aware I am repeating myself but I have been trying to write for several days and if I don’t stop trying so hard to sound coherent, this letter will never get finished and mailed.

All those who have had any business or involvement with my case over the past few years are responsible for the destruction of my life. The lies and deception must stop. If you insist on continuing to deny my rights by suppressing the truth and withholding justice, the only way to move forward is for you to execute my body. You and the others have already ruined my soul. I’ve only shred of spirit left.

Judge Powell dismissed my case and got rid of me, but not before she determined I was a joint employee for the purposes of my case. If one reads all of the MBO Partners reviews on Yelp (including the ones Yelp doesn’t recommend), one can see how MBO operates to exploit workers. White- and blue-collar workers all need to know that the ‘gig economy’ is a wolf in sheep’s clothing to sugar coat the further erosion of worker rights that have been deteriorating for years.

Employers who do the right thing and follow laws should be outraged that the government and large corporations are exploiting workers with no consequences. The nefarious employers and our own government are lining their own pockets off the backs of people performing human labor for them.

At the very basic level regarding MBO’s relationship with the government, here is the background:

MBO has contracts with the entire gov’t via GSA Blanket Purchase Agreement, DOJ, EEOC, BPA, etc.

MBO promises in its government contracts to take the hit if ever sued

Since the enforcement agencies have contracts with MBO, that insulates MBO from ever taking a hit because the enforcement agencies would just look the other way

Every law-abiding employer including those responsible for legally providing human capital (temp agencies, worker leasing companies, etc.) should be outraged by BPA and MBO’s invincibility and freedom from accountability for violations of local, state, and federal civil rights/employment/labor/harassment/retaliation, etc. laws.

The Department of Labor (DOL) Portland Wage and Hour office initially assigned a case number to my verbal complaint against MBO for FMLA violations but then refused to complete any investigation whatsoever. The Portland DOL OFCCP office initially refused to accept my handwritten complaint but after I fought, reluctantly accepted it and then did not perform any investigation anyway. While it is possible that the DOL itself may not have contracts with MBO, both sides of the DOL refused to investigate MBO because it would have implicated both MBO and itself (the federal government).

All the other judges- Judges Daniels, Sheridan, and Powell denied me due process because they were biased in order to protect their employers-CBCA and EEOC. Judge Hernandez, it was a conflict of interest for you to make the decision to dismiss MBO. One look at the agreement MBO tried to trick me into signing on April 25, 2014 (five days before I was terminated by BPA), easily shows what MBO was trying to cover up. Had I provided electronic signature, the ‘new’ agreement would have given MBO permission to do all the colluding it had been already been doing with BPA since May 14, 2012.

Judge Hernandez, you ignored medical documentation that clearly stated I am not capable of participating in legal proceedings. Who are you to know more about mental health than two psychiatrists and professional counselors? You have never met me in person. What are your qualifications to evaluate medical documentation? You have been forcing me to continue, as if hoping for me to give up, or volunteer advocates to eventually stop helping me. I can’t make anyone care or help me and you have been forcing me to count on the kindness of others which is ethically and morally wrong. This is sick legal abuse of the worse kind- downright sadistic. I am an over-50, female, and disabled human being. And as a human being, I have just as much right to be here on this earth as you do, no matter how hard you have tried to break me. I’m desperately clinging to Mahatma Gandhi’s words, “When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it—always.” (goodreads.com) I’m trying so hard to have faith. The song, One Tin Soldier, keeps coming to mind almost every day. I have always liked that song.

You and your court failed to acknowledge my Constitutional rights and reasonable accommodation obligations. Last I checked, reasonable accommodation and the Code of Conduct for United States Judges are still real things. Who holds you and your staff accountable? Now I am getting flashbacks on the series of seven LinkedIn posts I wrote in early, 2016. And I also remember standing in the lobby of the federal court clerk’s office well over a year ago, trying to figure out where to go for reasonable accommodation because I couldn’t think and was in shock. And in my distress, and court clerk staff stonewalled because she didn’t understand and had zero clue what reasonable accommodation was.

I’m done being invalidated as less than human. If no one in this city, state, or country will step up to help protect my human, Constitutional, and civil rights, Judge Hernandez, my request is that you get your gun. You are the designated executioner. The mental pain is overwhelming and it is unbearable to continue being invalidated with you holding ALL the power even though the truth speaks for itself. You swore under oath to administer justice and you are the one responsible for keeping the truth buried even though I declared facts of the case and already provided various forms of evidence to the court.

Standing next to you and pulling the lever will be BPA’s CEO, Mr. Elliott Mainzer. Mr. Mainzer, how sad for you to lie to Senator Wyden, stating that BPA decided not to renew my contract in 2012. Ms. Sharon Hale-Mockley wanted me and backed out after already approving contract renewal in order to please Mr. Scott Hampton and Mr. Dave Thatcher (who ironically is in charge of ethics now?!?). BPA and MBO both knew and admitted (in writing!) I was misclassified and they colluded to close my contract on 5/14/2012 in secret (without my knowledge or consent), and traded me like a temp worker with no real benefits or rights thereafter. No paid sick time, no vacation, no overtime, or anything that would typically be provided to a temp worker employee. How can you be proud of leading an organization that aggressively abuses contract workers who work hard in hopes of landing stable federal jobs? BPA flagrantly ignored executive orders. I didn’t do this harm to me. Your management and your legal team did this. How can your twins have pride in a father who leads by hurting people?

Here’s what Mr. Joel Scruggs, BPA Public Affairs, had to say to Mr. Charlie Clark, a reporter with GovExec on September 30, 2016: “Good afternoon, Charlie. Regarding your voicemail, here’s what I learned. In 2015, BPA litigated and settled Ms. Olson’s breach of contract claim in the Board of Contract Appeals regarding issues related to her hourly rate. Ms. Olson made a separate Equal Employment Opportunity claim against BPA, but that was dismissed in 2016. Finally, BPA is currently not aware of any active investigation of contractor misclassification by the Inspector General and BPA is not currently a party to Ms. Olson’s federal lawsuit against MBO Partners, Inc. for Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Family Medical Leave Act claims.”

How could BPA have been unaware of any active investigation of contractor misclassification on September 30, 2016 when the DOE Inspector General’s office put out a report on its ‘investigation’ of BPA’s contracting practices only two months later on December 29, 2016?:


Also, anyone with an eye for logic would know that examining 20 subjects out of a ‘judgmental sample’ of 3,117 subjects is statistically worthless. The DOE IG already knew about the BPA’s nefarious contracting practices because I reported it to the DOE IG in 2014 or 2015 & all that happened was everything I sent to the DOE got forwarded to...BPA! Oh, and the DOE IG also sent two Portland Police officers to my front door. Thank God I was naive and didn’t realize I was being harassed by the DOE IG without knowing it. I ended up providing information and resources to help the officers.

I was at BPA during the 2013 veteran scandal. It would be a miracle for any government ‘investigation’ to take only two months from start to finish.

Standing before us and facing us will be Ms. Sharon Hale-Mockley, Mr. Hampton, Ms. Oden-Orr, Mr. Wright, Mr. Peter Burger, Mr. Godfrey Beckett, Mr. Mark Danley, Mr. Jackson, Mr. Richard Joslin, Ms. Jackie Shelpman, Ms. Mary Wooldridge, Mr. Mark Holman, Ms. Judy Rush, Ms. Darlene Marcellay-Hyland, Senators Wyden and Merkley, Ms. Jessica Ponaman (BOLI), Ms. Isabel Joslen (Oregon Employment Department), Ms. Lorrie Baker (Oregon DCBS Worker Leasing), Mr. Thatcher, current and former BPA employees who refused to stand up with me for all contract workers, current and former BPA contractors who refused to stand with me to help us all, and all the people on the court notifications list. Complacency in the face of evil is morally and ethically wrong. All of those people contributed to the destruction of my soul and you, Judge Hernandez, should feel what it is like to physically kill a human being with your own hands. All of those people will get to watch what it looks like to execute a human being who used to love laughing and enjoyed hiking in our great Pacific NW. I am also a single parent but haven’t been able to be one for so long now. Every single one of those people could have done the right thing, but didn’t. So many people could have spoken up but didn’t.

Winning a lawsuit through deception and lies when the opponent is lying on the ground with the truth in hand and completely defenseless is not winning. It’s a disgusting display of evil- power, $, & greed.

Treating someone currently in trauma is not easy. I went through Providence St. Vincent’s inpatient and outpatient programs and no one in the medical field there intervened to stop the legal abuse I was trying to mitigate. It also took Providence St. Vincent’s legal department forever to analyze the letter the doctor wrote before I could have it. How did our society ever let lawyers and insurance companies possess more power than medical doctors when it comes to practicing medicine? As the hopelessness (now approaching rock bottom) worsened, I tried to go back to the inpatient unit a few months ago and even called ahead to let staff know I was headed in again. Despite the evening ER MD ordering my admission & my staying there overnight waiting for a bed, there was a complete reversal on the day shift the next morning. I suspect Ms. Janice Burger, CEO, Providence St. Vincent Medical Center, may have had something to do with it because her husband, Mr. Peter Burger, is on BPA’s general counsel. My, what a tangled web we weave. After my 15 year run as an underemployed clerk at St. V’s years ago, I am convinced that management controls the administration of medical care- not the medical community because there really are people out there who care & I’ve actually felt some of that.

When Providence St. Vincent refused to admit me (was it because I am now on Medicaid???), I ended up getting ‘caught and released’ (with handcuffs) by the Washington County Sheriff only to be kicked out again. In other words, Providence St. Vincent Hospital staff and Washington County Sheriff staff played the game of chicken with my life. Sheriff staff also made fun while I sat in back of the patrol car. While falling apart at the very place I sought refuge, I had to make the split second decision to let St. Vincent and Washington County win. I eventually walked away while followed by spineless escorts making sure I was off hospital property. I have never wanted to die- I have only wanted to be spared the deep and profound hopelessness caused by you and others suppressing truths & invalidating me.

As a result of all of the legal abuse (and joint employer abuse) over the past three years (we’re just shy of the four year anniversary of the ethics complaint), I do not know if any lawyer can ever be trusted. I already trust no one in government. And it has been a struggle trusting the medical community, too.

I have a master’s degree in my field and I am very aware of my failing mental health. Just because I have insight and am still breathing, does not make me able to participate in legal proceedings. I am very sick from trauma and the pervasive and incessant legal abuse.

Through all the trauma, I’ve learned just how rampant legal abuse is. It is literally everywhere. I know people who are suffering in civil, criminal, family, and guardianship matters. Children are being trafficked. Elderly and disabled people are routinely exploited and abused. Black people are being murdered by police with no consequences. As a white mother, I didn’t have to teach my kids to fear the police or getting shot by police. Innocent people are being jailed too. Our society has been carefully cultivated not to care about anyone else but ourselves. Shame on all those whose job it is to help and protect vulnerable people and who exploit them instead. All for the almighty green buck! There is truth to the saying that money is the root of all evil “Evil people rely on the acquiescence of naive good people to allow them to continue with their evil.” - Stuart Aken (https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/382330-evil-people-rely-on-the-acquiescence-of-naive-good-people)

Because of the legal abuse from multiple forums, I do not trust any hospital to be a safe place of refuge from the abuse. And I refuse to be subjected to the risk of losing my human rights by getting drugged and locked up. I am aware of one austistic person who was drugged and locked up at the Oregon State Hospital for far too long. He is suffering the consequences of medical neglect and it is unknown if he will ever heal. He is one of many human beings who are routinely abused. There is no motivation for anyone to truly care for people who need help anymore. No decent insurance-reimbursable mental health care exists in this state because the system encourages labels to maximize insurance payouts. While mental health care is pathetic from providers who accept Medicaid, even regular health- and dental-care is horrible for those on Medicaid. And no one is truly enforcing any laws or advocating for anyone because there is too much money in the status quo. I don’t know how, but this has to stop.

It is not good lawyering to lie and deceive in order to ‘win’. Mr. Rumbaugh, it still burns in my memory how ‘sorry’ you were when I disclosed past sexual abuse a couple years ago. And then you said “God Bless You” when you deflected to Ms. Jenna Mooney a few months ago when I tried to facilitate good faith settlement discussions with YOU as required by the court. As an empath, I could feel you trying to get away from your deception through the phone line. Looking back, it seems you are no different than one of Weinstein’s lawyers because your older emails dripped with enticement of dollar signs for silence. My mental health (and my conscience) at the time wouldn’t let me follow the carrots implied with your words because I didn’t trust you to settle in good faith. And you knew it.

Ms. Mooney, there are no words whatsoever to describe how disgusting it was that you hoped I would fail to meet a deadline as I naively waited for you to connect us with Mr. Cox to discuss settlement (which never happened) because you are in the circle of corruption too. OMG, how low is the bar to be a ‘winner’ when the opponent has nothing, NOTHING to fight with whatsoever. Your deception was nothing less than vile, especially since you also intentionally censored facts/truth in a court document.

My MBO employment records indicated I was a disabled employee but MBO claimed not to know if I am disabled or not in documents provided to BOLI during its ‘investigation’. When BOLI’s Ms. Jessica Ponaman directed me to privately settle with MBO and I told her that I was told by my medical provider that I couldn’t due to my mental health (relying on BOLI to protect my human rights), Ms. Ponaman punished me by dismissing my entire complaint. And the EEOC rubber-stamped the dismissal even though I did everything I could to shed light on the truth with proof coming out my ears (pun intended) for the ‘substantial weight review’.

Mr. Beckett, why did you bother walking around my car one day to tell me you are sorry? What are you sorry for? And for what real purpose did you have Mr. Holman call me on the phone to apologize on your behalf for the bullying security incident on October 29, 2014? Was it because you thought I went to the police department? Why? Subsequent to the private and federal EEO ‘investigations’ I suffered through, I learned you and Ms. Ponaman both served together on NW EEO’s board. You two certainly didn’t need any introductions to each other because you had already played the divide and conquer game well in my case. I still can’t believe I naively endured two separate EEO ‘investigations’ only to have both separately dismissed. I also juggled the insanity of the CBCA process. I worked so incredibly hard to make it easy for people to see the truth. I rebutted all the lies, even those that were sworn to be true under threat of perjury. I know I’m repeating myself but OMG, so many hoops these past few years. It is almost like I’m in my own Airplane movie or Mr. Magoo cartoon where I have no clue about all the evil going on all around. And here I am being invalidated once again, trying to call attention to the facts and truth. What more do I have to do to convince anyone that 1 plus 1 equals 2?

Ms. Rush, why did you retire when you did? Was it too hard to look me in the eyes when BPA’s EEO report was long overdue and the truth nefariously buried in the three volume set of over 1,000 pages?

The entire legal employment/labor law community in Portland, OR should be ashamed of its lack of moral compass and ethics. PTSD makes people not act themselves. And people with PTSD bleed red just like you. I may be mentally ill but I’m still human and have rights. It appears I may never heal from all the legal abuse I’ve endured. All because so many people are either in fear and/or worship greed/money/power. My soul has simply been obliterated thanks to the conditioned indifference of our society. I don’t understand how people can knowingly inflict such significant harm on each other.

You, Judge Hernandez, have destroyed my soul and YOU need to feel the effects of your destruction by finishing the job of destroying my physical flesh. I haven’t been able nor am I currently able to participate in legal proceedings. Period.

All the facts of my case have been known by all because I naively provided everyone with everything believing there was such as thing as enforcement. Neither BPA nor MBO have disputed the facts with proof or provided evidence that would contradict my story. So many laws have been broken my head spins whenever I see anything that relates to my case. I never asked nor wanted any special favors. My living, breathing shell of body needs people to do the right thing and follow and enforce laws. And so far you and your court haven’t. I can’t say it any clearer how much pain you have caused- you need to finish the job and live with yourself causing my physical body to be destroyed with your hands.

I never intended or wanted to go through all that BPA has put me through. How shameful that full federal retirement was not enough for Mr. Mark Danley, retired EEO, too. To have him be a shill was so gross. His actions were somewhat similar to Mr. Rumbaugh’s actions. To use your own word, Mr. Danley, let me tell you now that there was never a “strategy” when I canceled mediation after Mr. Wright caused a distraction by filing the motion to dismiss the CBCA complaint. You blurted that I was walking away from a couple (or few? I can’t remember offhand) hundred thousand dollars. How would you know what was on the table if you were not in bed with BPA too? I only wanted consequences rendered on the wrongs that were done. How could you stoop so incredibly low to be my ‘advocate’ when you were in bed with BPA, too! BTW your skit w/Ms. Oden-Orr was also a joke.

And who the heck set up Ms. D’Andrea Evans, JD, to meet me for breakfast a few weeks ago? Ms. Evans, you never stopped... you are still doing what you said in your own words, “devil’s work”!

Last night was another sleepless night and I had diarrhea this morning. I stamp my pants all the time because I am IN TRAUMA. I now get it when people joke about people shitting their pants. It seems that all I do is replay the episodes of abuse I’ve endured over and over again like a broken record. I’m not living at all- while I believe this is all part of trauma, I’m not qualified to assess my own mental health. All I know for sure is that seems obvious I’m not living even though I’m still here and breathing air. What is it going to take for our society to start caring for humanity and each other again?

I am entrusting the universe to guide me through this hell you have bestowed on us because I’m in no shape to continue enduring your abuse in silence. Let me know the execution day and time so they'll be media coverage & an audience, just like old times when disabled people were routinely put to death.

Respectfully, and with medical documents enclosed for you (to see yet again) and others to see too,

Andrea Olson

I couldn't figure out how to attach the documents to this LinkedIn post, so I am retyping the words best I can here:

Document One:

October 8, 2017

Re: Andrea Olson DOB 8/22/1964

First seen Decembeer 15, 2015 for treatment related to diagnostics below. I continue to see Andrea on a weekly basis except for time when she was in residential and outpatient treatment. Her mental and emotional health continues to be severe and she is limited in her ability to navigate the basic daily requirements of functioning in order to care for herself. Her cognitive functioning is impacted by her intense experiences of interpersonal distrust and paranoia related to seeking treatment and her navigating her ongoing legal process. She is unable to regulate her emotions of both anger and crying in relational interactions. Client wears hearing aids and reports congenital deafness.

F34.1 Persistent depressive disorder, severe, late onset, With intermittent major depressive episodes, with current episode severe with psychotic features, paranoia

F43.10 Posttraumatic stress disorder

Z56.9 Other problem related to employment. Termination of fulltime employment from professional career

Z65.3 Problems related to other legal circumstances. Ongoing legal processes, with stressful and overwhelming circumstances.

Z60.5 Target of adverse discrimination or persecution. Current and lifelong impact of discrimination and insidious trauma due to "cultural ableism" because of her atypical hearing (lack of/legal deafness) present since birth.

GAF 45


October 28, 2016

Regarding Andrea Olson vs MBO Partners, Inc.


To Whom It May Concern:

I am the treating physician for Andrea Olson. She has been hospitalized at Providence St. Vincent Hospital since October 13, 2016.

Because of her mental health conditions she is unable to participate in legal proceedings before the court. I do not have an estimate as to when she will be able to proceed. Please excuse her from the proceedings. Her absence from the proceedings is medically necessary.

My understanding is that she has been representing herself in court. Because of the degree of distress she is experiencing it is my medical opinion that she is unable to continue to do so. She has asked that I request that the court provide her with legal counsel to assist her. I do think that this request is appropriate, and ask that the court provide her with legal counsel to assist in the proceedings.

I do feel that the absence from the proceedings and the assistance of legal counsel are medically necessary.


December 19, 2016

Re: Andrea Olson

DOB 8/22/1964

Dear Mr. Resendiz-Guiterrez,

The Honorable Marco Hernandez, is in possession of medical documentation involving Andrea Olson, and it is suggested that you are aware of the information contained in the documents. In following up to the most recent letter provided on October 28, 2016, Ms. Olson's absence from legal proceedings continues to be medically necessary and I do not have an estimated date as to when she will be able to proceed. She is currently in a clinically necessary intensive outpatient treatment program that is conducted Monday through Saturday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.

Please take the information contained in this letter and prior documents into consideration.



cc: Honorable Marco Hernandez, 3:15-CV-02216-HZ via fax 503-326-8219

In memory of YouTube's 'Cassasaurus'. I am so sorry that in my trauma state I am not taking the time to go back and look up your name to share with others. But I hope you know that you did the best you could and gave many people reasons to live. I am sorry that the cruelty of our society was too much to bear and I am heeding your advice and choosing to live because I know I have done the best I could. Society can live with watching my execution if it doesn't start standing up for all humanity. Thank you so much for your inspiration.

Love trumps hate.


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