Dearest Georgina,
I am writing to you to throw some light on my long, prolonged and enforced silence.
I have finally managed to extricate myself from the unwanted and enforced attentions of the Cruel Croat Consultant (I'm glad they lost the World Cup),the Chinese Torturer and the Nigerian surgeons and witch-doctors who staff Simon Harris' acute Psychiatric Unit in Mayo "University" Hospital - not far from the power-base of Enda Kenny and the three Blue-shirt TDs! . The Public Accounts Committee will be delighted to hear that I was transported at vast expense to the tax-payer tied up like a common criminal throughout the length and breath of Ireland by the Health Service Executive. No effort was spared to make my trip as unpleasant as possible in the sweltering heat. There was little room with three guards in the van, and the transport did not make a pit stop in over five hours. I felt sorry for the poor guards! They had to endure my learned remarks about the origins of the State, the foundation of the Department of Health (with copious references to Dr Noel Browne and my grandfather, Sean McEntee, not forgetting of course the Chief! My jailers were tickled pink to hear that the Health Service Executive was unconstitutional, that the HSE practice of willfully and falsely imprisoning their victims was not only unconstitutional, but also criminal! They were particularly struck by my conclusion that the HSE behaved in Mayo, and in Ireland in general, just like the STASI did in East Germany.
Secretary-General Burgess and his fellow-diplomats may note the irony that as a diplomat he and his colleagues enjoy diplomatic immunity and protection abroad, but are subjected to the strictures of extreme totalitarian harassment and manhandling following upon their return home and retirement for cancer on their return home.
The Chief Consultants in both Newcastle Hospital in Wicklow and in Saint John of God Hospital in Stillorgan have both judged and declared that there is nothing wrong with me and that there could not have been throughout the whole of this sorry saga. I am to remain in at Saint John of God until Friday week for rest and recuperation from my very unpleasant ordeal.
I am very sorry that I did not contact you sooner, but the same Guards who brought me in to Hospital without any legal documentation; also got the hospital authorities to take my phone from me and to wipe all the numbers clean.
I had access to a solicitor in Mayo, but when we I tried to get Michael Collins and Patrick McCann to apply for Habeas Corpus, they sat on what one can only presume must have been their Leo Varadkar and Simon Harris sponsored seats.Sweet Liberty, we cry for thee!
First an unconstitutional and illegal abortion referendum, then Cervical Cancer, then farcical Scoping inquiries, then kidnappings, Leo, and Simon and Simon, and the HSE are surpassing themselves. Of course, while it is worth noting that Leo was the previous Minister for Health, the wretched Health Service Executive was set up by Mickie Martin because he didn't want to reply to Parliamentary Questions about the Health Service in the Dail. Brian Cowen was wrong. The Department of Health is not the Angola of Irish politics. I was in Angola at the height of the Angolan Civil War. The Department of Health, the HSE and most of all the Ministers who have run it recently are infinitely worse that the Angolan Government. In Angola, if 18 women died of Cervical Cancer the police would be investigating. That is also the absolute constitutional, legal and lawful situation in Ireland, without any exception whatsoever. The Guards must investigate the deaths of those poor, unfortunate women and mothers, prosecute those responsible, including Members of the Government and see to it that justice is done. Of course, that would lead to the downfall of the odious Varadkar "junta"! Nobody who believes in democracy, fairness, justice or respect for the rule of law would shed a tear!
With all my love to you, Sophia and Jason. Thinking of the three of you was all that kept me going during my kidnapping and three week incarceration, in the heat and the mire concocted by unwashed by Varadkar and Harris in the County Mayo. No doubt I will find a decent High Court Judge to rule on the rights and wrongs of this matter.
Take care, my beautiful and lovely Georgina,
Your loving husband,
Maurice James
6 年Keep writing Maurice. Enjoyed that piece!?