Letter From AIME Leadership 11-27-23

Letter From AIME Leadership 11-27-23

Dear Brokers,

Each visit to Capitol Hill has been more fruitful than the last, and our latest trip was no exception. It is expected that we are going into these meetings asking for something but the best meetings are a collaborative back and forth. Meetings that fall into the latter category have been occurring with more regularity, and this trip was saturated with them. Last week, we were asked for insight and information on topics. We were asked to help promote and push forward bills both within our membership as well as specific Congressional Offices. We were asked if our logo could be added to press releases showing legislative support.

The answer was an enthusiastic yes to everything.

We met with the following Congressional offices. Steven Horsford (D-NV). Jack Bergman (R-MI). Monica De La Cruz (R-TX). Derek Kilmer (D-WA) and in the Senate, Sherrod Brown (D-OH). Mike Braun (R-IN).

Topics of discussion varied, encompassing important legislation such as the Trigger Lead Bill (H.R. 4198), VALID Act (H.R. 4435), VA Home Loan Awareness Act (H.R. 5979), VALOR Act (H.R. 6193), HELPER Act (H.R. 3170), and developments around the TPO Surcharge. Notably, we are making significant strides on the TPO Surcharge, bolstered by third-party verification of the equal risk levels between Brokered and Retail loans.

Call-to-action campaigns on the above-mentioned bills and many others can be found here: https://aimegroup.com/advocacy/. Please take 30 seconds to let your elected officials know how important these issues are to you.?

Our advocacy efforts continue unabated, with a return to D.C. next week. Scheduled is a follow-up meeting with the CFPB on December 6th, focusing on issues such as the large-scale recruitment of Realtors as Loan Officers to circumvent kickback regulations, our data study on TPO risk levels, and problematic behavior surrounding Floating LEs.

We have a lot of work left to be done, but we are incredibly proud of the progress that we've made in DC. Mortgage Brokers have a voice in the rooms where decisions are being made, and that makes us happy.

Dare I say it, we might actually have this elusive seat at the table. Our chair might be a little wobbly, and some may argue that we're at the kids' table, but we're loud enough to get attention from there. That's for damn sure.

Together, we are making a difference. Thank you!

Katie Sweeney

Chairman & CEO

Brendan McKay

President of Advocacy

Holt Butler

Product Leader | Previous @Bitso @Zillow | Web3, Crypto, Fintech, DeFi

1 年

Awesome job guys. Congratulations on the progress




