A Letter to Fellow Christians: Why Voting with Our Faith Matters Now More Than Ever

A Letter to Fellow Christians: Why Voting with Our Faith Matters Now More Than Ever

Dear Friends in Christ,

In today's world, the choices we make—especially during elections—hold incredible power to influence the survival of our nation. Yet, I often find myself questioning why many Christians vote contrary to their biblical beliefs. How can we justify voting for behaviors that God explicitly forbids—behaviors that destroy the moral fabric of civil society?

God has called us to defend the least among us and never to abandon His people, Israel. These behaviors and policies condemned by God are so severe that He destroyed the societies that practiced them. Knowing this, why would Christians follow their wayward leaders off the cliff, risking not only our nation but their salvation as well?

The Sanctity of Life and Abortion

One of the most misunderstood issues of our time is abortion. It has been manipulated to win votes, yet it is less about women’s choice than we are led to believe. Let’s be clear: abortion has never been illegal, and the reversal of Roe vs. Wade only pushes the issue back to the states. Please research all the facts, and finding that you have been misled, look to see who is promoting the misinformation. More importantly, see who is promoting abortion itself.

As Christians, we believe in the sanctity of life from the moment of conception. Yet, our culture has normalized the widespread acceptance of abortion as a right. In ancient times, God repeatedly condemned the act of child sacrifice in the Bible, warning His people not to follow the practices of surrounding nations that involved sacrificing children. Doesn't this remind you of what we see today with abortion? While the methods may differ, the result is the same—the disregard for innocent life.

In recent years, the political landscape has become deeply divided on the issue of abortion. Vice President Kamala Harris has been a leading advocate for expanding abortion access, supporting legislation that allows abortion at nearly any stage of pregnancy with few restrictions. Similarly, Tim Walz, Harris’s vice-presidential candidate and governor of Minnesota, further entrenched abortion as a protected right without limitations.

In stark contrast, Donald Trump took a strong anti-abortion stance and continues to champion the rights of the unborn, pushing for stricter abortion regulations, support for crisis pregnancy centers, and promoting adoption as an alternative. Christians who believe in the sanctity of life must consider these clear differences. Voting for candidates who respect life from conception aligns with our Christian values and protects the most vulnerable among us.

America’s Relationship with Israel and the Middle East

Politicians often control the narrative about wars we support. Ironically, wars we can influence are portrayed as just, while those we cannot control are seen as immoral. Israel’s war with Iran’s proxies falls into this trap. There is no question that Israel’s right to its land is clearly outlined in the Bible. Many of Israel’s opponents are not direct descendants of those with biblical claims. Palestinians are not indigenous to Israel; they are a modern people group, largely made up of anti-Semitic factions without ancestral land rights.

As Christians, our identity should guide our nation’s stance on Israel. In Genesis 12:3, God promises Abraham: “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse.” This covenant remains valid today, and history shows that nations standing against Israel often face God’s judgment. For example, every time the U.S. moves away from supporting Israel, internal turmoil and decline seem to follow. We honor God's eternal covenant when we vote for candidates who truly stand with Israel. Voting with our Christian identity means recognizing that God’s promises to Israel and supporting Israel align with God’s will.

The obvious differences between pro and anti-Israel are seen in the behavior of the candidates. Vice President Kamala Harris has taken a detached and adversarial stance in certain key moments. Most notably, during Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to the U.S., Harris opted not to meet with him, instead prioritizing a speech at a college event for a Black sorority. Further, her lack of condemnation of anti-Semitic violence against Jews conveys a darker, more personal view. Officially, she has asked for Israel to stop defending itself against the barrage of attacks from seven battle fronts. Meanwhile, she has asked nothing from Iran or its proxies.

In stark contrast, Donald Trump’s administration was defined by an unwavering support of Israel. Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, moved the U.S. embassy there in 2018, and fulfilled a long-awaited promise under biblical principles. His administration also secured the Abraham Accords, normalizing relations between Israel and several Arab nations and enhancing Israel's regional security. Trump’s clear pro-Israel policies demonstrated a commitment to standing with the nation that reflects God’s covenant.

As Christians, we must consider which candidate’s actions more closely align with biblical principles regarding the U.S. relationship with Israel. Standing firm in our support for Israel is more than just politics—it is about honoring God’s promises and fulfilling our duty as believers. Defending your position by repeating a party line is not only inaccurate, it is a grave sin against God.

Cultural Immorality and the Breakdown of the Family

Our culture has embraced subjective morality, promoting lifestyles and values that directly contradict the teachings of the Bible. This means that we override God’s Laws and authority for personal preferences. This includes disrespecting the authority of men in the hierarchy of family structure, not living up to the responsibilities of parenting, accepting gender dysphoria, sexual immorality, and insincerity in relationships.

James 1:8 warns of the danger of being “double-minded” and “unstable in all his ways.” As a nation, we’ve witnessed this instability in how we legally approach issues of family, marriage, and gender. The very institution of the nuclear family—God’s design for human flourishing—has been reduced to anything defined by our society. We see the devastating effects of our chaotic culture’s lack of Christian integrity and weak faith.

I have to ask myself, where are all the faithful warriors who should be protecting families? Then, I recall the successful emasculation of men prompted by an overzealous women’s movement that has changed our families. Its fruits are not surprising—widespread gender dysphoria.

Voting with a Christian identity means upholding the biblical view of marriage between a man and a woman. It also means that man has authority over his family, not the Department of Education. Voting with your Christian identity means taking back our children. We’re called to protect our children against cultural tides and sexual deviants who want to normalize their sexual appetites. God’s truth is not only wise by producing a healthy society it is unchanging, and we must vote in a way that reflects His design for family life and moral integrity.

So, Why Christians Vote Against Their Values

Some Christians vote based on other concerns—political allegiances, personal freedoms, economic factors, or the media’s influence. But to sacrifice our Christian principles for worldly gain is dangerous. Jesus asks us in Mark 8:36: “What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?” We must be careful not to let our political opinions override our commitment to God’s Kingdom. Our Christian identity must come first when we cast our votes, aligning with biblical truth.

If Christians voted in line with their faith, the United States would look very different. Imagine a nation where life is protected, God’s design for family is honored, and we stand with Israel as a reflection of God’s eternal covenant. By voting in alignment with our Christian identity, we can reverse the tide of cultural and moral decline, creating a country that reflects God’s righteousness.

This is about standing firm in faith and allowing God to work through our obedience. As 2 Chronicles 7:14 says: “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

As followers of Christ, we are not called to drift along with the current of culture passively nor to remain silent when faced with injustice or immorality. The Bible consistently calls us to be bold and courageous in leadership, discerning the will of God and standing firm in our convictions. Joshua 1:9 commands us to “be strong and courageous” and not to cower in complacency. James 1:22 urges us to be “doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” To hear God’s Word yet fail to act upon it is to fall into a spiritual lethargy that dishonors our calling.

Leadership requires decisiveness, which comes from knowing the truth and standing boldly for it. Christians must lead with clarity and conviction, recognizing that our choices today impact future generations. To do nothing, to remain silent, or to follow aimlessly is not an option for those committed to God’s truth. We are to be salt and light in this world, shaping it according to God's will, not being shaped by its shifting and hollow trends. Now is the time to step forward in leadership, make difficult decisions, and align our actions with our faith, as complacency is a surrender that leads only to further decline. Let us lead with wisdom, for to lead is to follow the example of Christ, who acted decisively in the face of adversity for the good of all.

As a brother/sister in Christ, I urge you to prayerfully consider how you vote. Let’s remember that our identity is in Christ, not in the political systems of this world. When we vote based on our Christian identity, we choose leaders who reflect God's values, even imperfect ones. Let’s honor God with our vote because our decisions will have lasting consequences for today and future generations. #ChristianFaith #VoteWithFaith #BiblicalValues #ChristianLeadership #ChristianIdentity #SpiritualityAndPolitics #ProLife #StandWithIsrael #FaithBasedVoting

In Christ’s love and truth,

Sincerely, Sandy


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