A Letter to Anyone With A Dream

A Letter to Anyone With A Dream

You cannot be common and cutting edge at the same time.?

There is someone who is going to change the way we see the world but they’re sitting dormant because they are scared. Don’t let that be you.

Somewhere along your path, someone has convinced you that you are unworthy on your way to worthiness.?But where you are going is glorious, and where you are going to end up is spectacular.?

You will always think you are not ready, but you have grown so much, you have come such a long way. Every day you climb mantles that you don’t know are preparing you for the greatness you seek. As you climb these mantles and take them on, know that the mantle will always change. Because you will surpass mantles and you will not be fully ready, but you will be ready enough to step into it and let life do the rest. And with that mantle, comes lessons that you will need for the next one, and the next one and the next one.

You see, greatness is a journey that you have to be ready to go on. It is a ride that never ends. You started this journey a long time ago, but now, I need you to be fully in for the ride.

Wherever it takes you...

You have to be ready for a mantle to be placed on you. Because if you are not, you will fumble it. And life will test you. It will send you signs, quizzes and challenges before that mantle comes. You have to prepare and be aware. Always prepare. Always be willing to learn, to grow, to pass the tests of life and not run from them. Then, when that mantle comes, you suddenly realise the way life indirectly prepared you for it.

You are being prepared, every day and all I need you to do, no matter how hard it gets, is to show up. Growth is compound interest, it is a deposit every single day, and you are going to have to be intentional about the amount you deposit. So show up every day, that’s all you’ve got to do…show up.

Everyone has a beginning and more often than not, what you see is the finished product. You do not see the person who showed up and worked every day. Who cried, who doubted themselves, who kept going, who failed or who stumbled. It took many seasons of development, but you compare yourself to the finished product.?

Show up…You are a finished product in motion, a work in progress that is already complete.?

There can be no answers if there are no questions and there can be no solutions if there are no problems…it’s all part of the expansion in evolution.?

You are evolving, through any occurrence in your life: good or bad, you need it to expand.?

So no matter what life throws at you, be committed to moving in your lane, in the path God has set out for you. Be determined to look no further than your own path. To be whoever you want to be, to tell your story, your own way. To just show up for yourself and let the people that align, align. To not look to others for how you should be, look, act, think, or become, but to become your own aesthetic. Become YOU, whoever that is, and figure it out along the way.?

Today, I need you to let go of feeling like you have to start something and it will be successful that day. Life is linear. It is a culmination of small actions to make a big picture. Every day you have to build the consistency, the drive, and the small drops that make a big pond. You have to understand that there will be down days and good days. There will be days of 100% progress and 10% progress but all is progress. I need you to let go of feeling you have to be 100% every single day.

I hope you are in awe of yourself. I hope you are thankful for the gift of the journey you have been given. I hope you have faith in the whole picture forming. I hope you are proud of yourself because you are the embodiment of a non-fiction mixed with so many plot twists and tales to make a beautiful story. Look at yourself now, not as a character, or these tales, but the whole book. And I see how amazing, how spectacular, how interesting and how worthy you are. Read yourself, not in lines or paragraphs, but the entirety of the book...I love it! I hope you look at yourself now and admire yourself.

I know who I am because I know my whole story and what each chapter, each line, and each paragraph did to the overall synopsis of me. It took me so long to understand this, but it needed time. For the story to form. So that is okay.

You are an interesting book, and it could only be written with time. There was no other way…

You have a wonderful life, and you have an even more wonderful life ahead of you. You are well, and all is going to be even better. You have everything you need, and yet there is more coming. You are good, but just imagine how great it is all about to become. You have seen bad times, and there will be even more. But everything is and always will be good...Light, dark, and everything in between will get more intense, Enjoy it all! :)?

Crave every experience. The good, and the not-so-good. It is all for your benefit, it adds to the story, and it makes the juice sweeter. It makes the story more interesting. The hero’s arch needs these elements. There is no bad story. There is only an addition to the origin story.

So you see the dream, is the journey! Your dream is the journey. Go on it, have fun figuring shit out.?

You are not on this earth to just get stuff done, you are here for the fun of doing it. This dream that you have is always going to be a series of steps that you are constantly moving in the direction of. Do you really think those steps are ever going to end? That there is going to be some ending? Of course not. There’s always the next and the next and the next thing. It is so important that you accept your eternal incompletion. We are eternally incomplete that’s why we’re alive. We are eternally reaching for more. Becoming. Moving in the direction of. The joy is in the journey…duh. That’s how the next sequence comes. That’s what life is all about—accepting that you can do anything! And when you do anything another anything will come to you and you will desire that too. So there’s no end to this. Enjoy the journey?

You’ve envisioned this incredible dream, haven’t you? But you are afraid and worried, you are feeling uncertain about how to achieve it, and you don’t know how in the hell you are going to pull this off. Don’t let that stop you. Shrinking your dream won't make the path easier and the option isn’t to settle down or try to dream less. Instead, get up to speed with the possibilities you have ignited within yourself. It’s to fully step into the person you see yourself becoming, and take action to make it a reality.

There is more that you want that you are yet to receive than you have received. You’re just scratching the surface of what’s possible, and look how well you’re doing. Do you know what’s coming? There’s where you are and there’s where you REALLY are. Be excited about that realization.?

So rise, conquer, dominate, press forward!

We have zero idea what today or tomorrow holds. We just have to keep going and know that it will all be okay.

Success is a must, failure, you must trust. Good, is wonderful, bad, has a lesson. Accomplishments are expected, disappointments, don’t worry. All is good...it is just when it comes that confuses you.

You have come such a long way. I am so proud of you. Every single day you rise and kick ass! Every day you are you, and that is all you need to be, just you. You, anywhere you are, is perfect.



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