- Vision: To foster a digital space where Americans of all backgrounds can engage in respectful, constructive discussions about the complex issues facing the nation.
- Mission: To provide a platform that prioritizes diverse viewpoints, evidence-based dialogue, and moderation to combat polarization and promote mutual understanding.
- Topic: The Impact of Immigration Policy on the American Economy
- Participants:
- Audience: Mix of individuals across the political spectrum interested in the issue:
- Introduction: Moderator sets the stage, establishes ground rules focused on respect, and outlines discussion flow.
- Panelist Presentations: Each panelist offers a 5-8 minute opening statement based on their expertise and position.
- Cross-Examination: Moderator facilitates respectful questioning between panelists, clarifying viewpoints, challenging assumptions, and highlighting areas of convergence or disagreement.
- Audience Q&A: Moderated Q&A session. Questions are pre-screened to ensure relevance and avoid personal attacks.
- Panelist Closing Statements: Each panelist offers a brief concluding remark.
- Post-Event Resources: The website provides a curated list of resources (articles, reports, data sets) from credible sources offering additional perspectives.
- Technology:
- Content Strategy:
- Moderation:
- Community Building:
Additional Considerations
- Revenue Models:
- Accessibility: Closed captioning, translation services for key topics
- Outreach: Targeted promotion in diverse online communities to avoid becoming an echo chamber.