Let's Work Out Our Stripper Name!

Let's Work Out Our Stripper Name!

Number 2 comes home from work last week says “Hi” and walks past us down to her room.?Dave and I were working in the office, both looked up and thought it was a bit odd.

Next thing “Mum, can I speak with you”.?Don’t you just love that.?You know there’s something following that and it’s not going to be good, right?

“I’ve just had a test and I have Covid” she said.?
Holy green monster” we’re under attack I thought!
“Stay” I said “Hmm I mean don’t move …” “Don’t touch anything”.?Oh God it sounds like I’m giving instructions to the dog not my daughter!

Okay family meeting ASAP … what do we do now??“Lock her in the back part of the house until we figure out what to do” Dave said.?Probably a good idea.

“I’ll get the walkie-talkies” he said.?“Right, good idea” me trying to think how this is all going to work in the meantime.

The walkie-talkies are charged and one is given to Lauren and we have the other one.?After trying to figure out where she got it from and advising her work, we were thinking this may actually work.?

After things had settled down for the night Lauren says “Mum let’s work out our “stripper” name — Over” she said.?

Why not I thought What a day. “It’s the colour of?your?underwear and the last food that?you?ate or first pet's name with the name of the street you grew up on —Over”.?“Mine is Max Teague or Blue Nachos — Over” I said.?This is so much fun.?“What are you two doing” said Dave.?“We’re working out our stripper names of course” I said.?“It’s a public channel.?Everyone can hear you”.?“Woo Oops”.?That was the end of the walkie-talkies.

Well the next 8 days were spent serving up three square meals a day, two snacks and a hot chocolate plus all the washing up and cleaning so the rest of us didn’t get it.?I’m exhausted!?The rest of us didn’t get it.?But I think I need Covid and a week off work myself now!

Did you hear about the lady who had her vehicle insured with AAMI, cracked her windscreen and had the gloomy realisation that her windscreen wasn’t covered?? True story.?Sometimes when you take out insurance cover with these second tier insurers, not everything is covered.?The old saying you get what you pay for was definitely the case here.

So this is the time of year when we hear “It wasn’t leaking before” … ah yes … we call this the “My Car has Sprung a Leak Season” and for very good reason.?

All of a sudden, the windscreen starts leaking.?It’s a well-known phenomenon we see every year at this time.?We’ve just had 8 months of dry weather in Perth.?Then this is abruptly followed by rain and the cars spring a leak!

Leaky windscreens are a thing right now! ??We’ve had three customers this week already — it’s only Tuesday — who are not happy with a big brand repairer who fixed their vehicles previously.?They complain of leaking windscreens.

In most case, the main reason for this is that the leak comes from the body of the vehicle.?The cause for this is that the vehicle’s surface was not prepared, cleaned or primed correctly.?Therefore, the glue did not stick correctly to the ill-prepared surface and formed a gap between the metal, primer and/or glue. The end result is that it’s raining in your vehicle.

Anyone got an umbrella?

This is just bad workmanship and a bad install for the customer.?Unfortunately for you, the customer, this is not discovered until we get our first autumn rains and into winter.?

This ill-fated situation can be avoided if you have someone like Dave — who has 34 years of experience — working on your vehicle.?

Bring on the rain Perth.?We love it!

With the end of the financial year approaching fast, you can claim on your windscreen with the taxman.?Give us a call and we’ll get you sorted.

Live life at full throttle always taking the scenic route … Until next time.

#dcautoglass?#automotiveindustry?#insurance?#customerexperience #windscreens #windscreenreplacementperth


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