I mean business. I just happen to have a Notorious Big; heart. I just met a fan from overseas with his Mother. They shared with me; How he has been bullied. His Father just passed; and the mean kids, say all kinds of things to hurt his feelings. I made arrangements to pass by his school and perhaps work on a workshop with the kids, the staff and the faculty. It hits a nerve. I remember being the new kid. And going through similar things. It is one hundred percent due to lack of parenting. Most of those kids need attention. For them; getting in trouble creates an opportunity to gain attention. They act up in school; looking for anything to get in trouble. All they want is to be held in detention until a "Parent" picks them up. It hurts our children. The older I get; the more I see, how much our brains are sponges. It is so critical to develop appropriately. A kid can be hurt severely by these episodes. It impacts their growth. Those are ingredients that ferment, like a scar.
This kid is a Genius. He is a future hall of fame Baseball Prospect. Those kids know that, and they are jealous. Its sad because at the end of each function; I know that I have to leave. And you can't help but wonder; Did I do enough? Will this change; last? I feel so bad right now. And that is besides the fact that I spoke with the entire School and the parents. What can I do? I know I have words of wisdom and encouragement. But. I only offered to drive up to the school in a Lamborghini; which looks cool. And of course; the kid being bullied is the coolest kid in the school. But, that goes away after a few days. My words will last longer. But; deep down inside you start to evaluate things. I started to ask myself; did I do enough? Could I have done more?
Better yet.
What more can I do in the future?
I feel so bad. I think that it is so important to protect the development of our future leaders; of tomorrow. As a society; we are a clan, and must take responsibility. We must lead by example. We have to teach our children why treating others respectfully; is actually the cool/ fly thing to do.
I don't think that most entrepreneurs explore their human feelings and emotions. They are afraid to talk about Taboos. As far as me; my heart is amazing. The way I run business, is based on the belief that I work for you. I work for my business partners. I am constantly concerned about the mental/ well being of everyone around me. I had to listen to the It is what it is; podcast just to laugh, and break the tension. I love to explore all of my feelings and emotions. It is my secret weapon in business. I was raised to treat people with Respect. By the way. I saw Deadpool & Wolverine, last night. Classic.
I don't want to be lacking; in self awareness.
I want to embrace all of my perceptions. I want to build a legacy by treating people right and with dignity. I feel that some people go out of their way; to be the opposite. And God bless them. But I know that; is not me. I do not have to conduct myself as such. And in corporate America; I am dealing with these "Bullies". Now; I can trace those behavior patterns to these developmental moments. Moments where there should have been a parenting figure; teaching them the "how", of not to auto correct yourself. Admit when you have done something wrong. And simply auto correct yourself. In business; it's embarrassing to see people trying to do things that way. It's harder to find people who; you actually want to do business with. When I see people acting ignorantly; I know that I will never do any type of business with anyone like that. For me; there are clear signs. I have had many business partners and investment ventures. I have clients worldwide. I know exactly how to deal with people; and it starts by beginning things on the right note.
I thought about this situation with this eleven year old child; whom I just to so happen to be his Number One Hero. I am still fighting bullies in Corporate America. I am driven to take these clowns out of business. This is why I think that I took on this fight. I stopped thinking about everything. I may just reach out to Killa and Murder. But, it took me for a loop. I guess I never thought about my negotiations that way; until this. I realized that I am still fighting my fight. This places everything back into perspective.
IN business and in music. I am Ryu. I am looking forward to the next tournament.
I love you all. God bless.