Let's unstigmatise GoFundMe fundraising

I published a GoFundMe fundraising appeal to attract funds to a personal cause for training and acquiring new vendor certifications in a supportive environment. I can say that my delay in engaging my social network on this venture was borne of a sense of concern and stigma.

Concern from others who might think I have put out a begging bowl for something I should have kept to myself and invariably suffered in silence for what I might get support for by appealing to friends and the public for support.

I know for a fact that I have benefitted immensely from using my social network, I have a blogging platform in its 20th year and I have met and made friends for life from people who first engaged me from my blog.

I published a blog on removing stigma from the use of GoFundMe and furthermore, this is the link to my #SupportAkin GoFundMe page. I appreciate and am grateful for all your support. Thank you.


