Let's think well, even for a future day.
A part of my Let's Think Again series of musings...
Claims of "thinking outside of the box" can too many times actually be just thinking inside of a bigger, newer, more expensive or more complicated box.
One thing I've observed over my first 74 years is this... Truly great ideas are too often not appreciated or adopted for any valuable use within the lifetimes of their creators. The obstacle to their timely acceptance and implementation is usually "the prevailing wisdom".
Think a moment of all the varied examples of this. The Brits, as we all know, once thought that fighting in very tight block rows of rank and file soldiers on the battlefield was the only sophisticated and wise way to go. But as with all such inane concepts, future generations see the foolishness of the former common practices and concepts and make fun of them, saying "Who ever thought THAT was a good idea?"
Let's not be the ones they will laugh at. Instead, let's be among the ones they'll admire as those who thought very smartly and deeply, and beyond the resistance of their peers.
To do this is not easy nor necessarily all that much fun at the time. It takes a lot of hard work, patience, persistence and endurance. Hearing "No" a lot. Even being mocked. It takes a steady unrelenting boldness of vision and conviction, even when the tide of the day is coming in strongly against us or our ideas. In the midst of all of that we can in hope and settled peace anticipate the joy of the future, even if we're not here to see it, knowing we're not doing what we do for those who presently reject and shake their heads at what we see and have to offer, but rather those who one day will be thankful for the change we brought to their lives as they enjoy and make use of what was once dismissed as virtually worthless.
We innovators can take courage and delight in knowing we are in some very good company.
#thoughts #thinking #modernthought #wisdom #creativity #imagination #philosophy #wisdom #innovation #invention #green #future #futurists #economy #economists #society #culture #outofthebox
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