Let′s talk about your INTUITION!
Nina Haidinger
Mindful Leadership Coach & Meditation Teacher for leaders who want to lead with authenticity and health
Welcome to our new series "NINA ON..."! Our first & exciting topic is our intuition. Let′s dive right in!
Do you sometimes have this feeling, when you make a decision, or meet a person, that you get these nudges from your #body, these little pieces of #wisdom?
… But you are not sure if you can trust them??
Then this study is for you!
A #study from the University of Iowa, had players participate in a card game, where they would be able to lose or win money with every round. All they had to do, was pick cards from either a RED or a BLUE staple of cards.
But: The RED staple was manipulated so that you would always lose money!
The interesting thing was: They realized, that our #rational #conscious #minds would notice at around 50 cards that something was off with the RED staple - and after 30 more cards it would be able to explain exactly what was wrong!
What was even more interesting: the palms of the participants started sweating after only 10 CARDS when picking from the the RED staple.
So what that tells us is: Our body does know first!
And what this study invites us to do, is learning to listen to our body and trust these little nudges.
(There are of course multiple more studies that confirm the same thing)
It’s okay to listen to our body… and even more okay to practice to trust it!
And with that said, I also wanted to share something about how to connect to your intuition:
I think the first thing when you want to trust your #intuition more, is practicing to notice it.
I love any #mindfulness practice for this:
Becoming #present and then checking in — What is there?
For example:
You are trying to make a #decision, you sit down in silence — only focus on this situation — and immediately, you can feel that your gut clenches up!
Here you can ask yourself: what is that? —> That is fear, that is a clear “no”!
With this #practice, you are kind of learning to read the #signals of your body & understanding what they are trying to tell you.
But it’s not like our body is always telling the truth…
Your gut clenching up can mean fear.
For instance: You receive an interesting offer and your gut clenches up! And you are like “Oh, that must mean that’s a NO!”?
But if you feel a little deeper into it, you notice: No, it’s actually #fear… It’s a fear of failure.
Do I want that fear of failure to hold me back? Or do I still want to try?
At the end of the day it’s the best thing for us to start practicing:
Being present; with what do I notice in my body, in my #thoughts, my #emotions…
…and then learning to interpret it & go into an interaction with it!
And that’s how you best develop your INTUITION.