Let’s talk about your energy levels!
Linda Lange
Change & Energy Coach ??Learn how to make the right changes in your life to feel joyful & energized again
How would you describe your energy levels? How much energy do you have available in your day? On a scale from 0 to 10, how would you rate your energy levels on average? 0 means you are lacking energy significantly every single day. 10 means you feel fully energized every single day. I will actually give you 10 seconds to think about your energy levels and give them a rating. Go ahead!
Assess Your Energy Levels from 0 to 10
Great, well done for this reflection. You assessed your energy levels and by giving it an assessment you probably now have other thoughts coming up. Either you have happy thoughts about how energized you feel in your life. Or you have unhappy thoughts because you feel you are lacking energy and would like to feel more energized than you currently do.
Now, I have a follow-up question: Do you know what your energy levels are? What do your energy levels consist of? What variables or parts in your life play a role in the totality of your energy levels?
What are your Energy Levels?
You might have a rough idea and might use descriptions like these:
“My energy levels describe how much energy I have each day to complete all of my tasks.â€
“My energy levels describe how well I am doing and feeling on a particular day.â€
“My energy levels can be up or down and to be honest I have no clue what exactly influences that. It feels a bit random.â€
And as I always like to say. How can you change something that you don’t even understand? Do you think that you would be able to manage your energy levels better if you knew what they consist of? Wouldn’t you agree that you would be able to improve your energy levels once you understand what they are?
Fantastic, so let’s do that!?
Let’s talk about your energy levels!
The perception that most people have is that they don’t have enough energy available and that they’d like more energy. So they perceive their energy to be limited. And that means they need to do something to get more of it.
And that can create a cycle of dread:
- I am already low in energy and I believe I have to do something to have more energy.?
- But to do something I need energy which I already lack. So I can’t really do that.
Can you see that this can be a vicious cycle to be in? I can see myself having lived this when I was burned out. I was truly stuck in feeling never truly energized in the first place. And then believing that I needed to spend even more energy to do something about it. Like creating better habits in exercise or what I eat and drink. But of course, creating new habits and changing old habits needs energy.
It’s the opposite of what we think – find out!
But the real problem was my perception. I did not know what life energy was and how it was created. So I assumed that I had to do something to get more energy – otherwise, I lack energy. But the funny thing is, that it’s kind of the opposite.
I turn the perception now on its head and tell you that you have access to an abundant amount of energy. You naturally have already a limitless amount of energy available to you.?
But something happens that blocks that limitless flow of energy. So instead of DOING something to get more energy, we actually want to LET GO of something to receive more energy back.?
I have a powerful metaphor for you to explain this concept.?
It’s the Float-on-Water Metaphor
Imagine you are a float in the ocean. Bobbing nicely on the surface.
The ocean surface is the natural state where you float. And it represents the natural state of limitless energy. This is our natural state of being. We don’t have to create it. We have to find our way back to it.
So we are floating at the top of the ocean with no worries in the world. Then we go through life and we collect experiences, events, relationships, and trauma that have such an emotional impact, that the subconscious mind stores this information as a threat to watch out for in the future. A long-term memory with a high emotional charge was created and stored in our energy system.
And the more of these memories we collect the further we move away from the ocean surface and from feeling the limitless flow of energy.
Blockages in our Energy System
The memories I am talking about are the ones that make us feel highly emotional. You can have a memory and when you talk about it or remember it, you feel fine. It’s like telling a story. But then there are memories that when you talk about them and remember them they make us feel sad, angry, frustrated, betrayed, guilty and ashamed. I am sure you can think of a memory like that.
And those are the memories that are blockages in the energy system of your body.
The abundant energy flow is reduced and hindered by blockages consisting of those memories with unwanted and unintegrated emotions.
Like blockages in the Cardiovascular System
Think about it like your cardiovascular system and the blood flowing through your veins and arteries. The blood flow can be blocked through plaque that builds up over time.
We want to release these energy blockages so we can access as much energy as we want.
All you need to do is to let go of the unintegrated emotions of those memories.
Let go of this inner resistance that keeps you from NOT feeling fully energized which is your birthright.
We are given endless opportunities to heal those blockages
Opportunities for us to release those weights that keep us below the surface are endless in our lives.?
The subconscious mind will create situations in your life to bring up the memories for you to finally release the attached emotion. That’s what happens when we realize those patterns in our lives. These are opportunities for us to let go of the emotional charge of the memory.
If we don’t listen and take the chance, the pattern keeps repeating and the events will become “louder†aka more painful as the subconscious mind wants us to listen and release this emotional charge from the memory. It wants us to heal!
The Emotional Release Technique
Now that you understand your energy and why your energy levels are what they are, you can take steps to improve them. But not the usual steps that you would think to take. And the fun thing about releasing these blockages from your energy system is that when you have released one, they don’t come.?
Sure, there is always more to let go of. Let’s be honest we did collect enough memories over the last few decades. But when you release one memory from its emotional charge, it turns into energy that is available to you. Your flow of energy on a daily basis has just increased. Does this make sense to you?
So let me share with you what you can do to unblock your energy system.?
Step 1 – Notice
Notice when you get triggered, are highly emotional or feel an emotion coming to the surface at the thought of a memory, situation or person.
Step 2 – Allow and Accept
Once you become aware of an emotion to let go of and you are ready to go through the releasing process, allow and accept the feelings that come up.
Step 3 – Express and Experience
And now express the emotions. Experience the energy that is flowing through you. Let go of anything that might hold you back from fully experiencing what wants to be felt. Read this article to learn more about this step and how to express and experience an emotion. Again, it might not be what you think it means.
Step 4 – Let Go
This last step of the process is owned by the emotion itself that you allowed to express itself. It will release itself and the energy will transmute. The energy released by feeling the emotion is going back to your abundant energy flow.
Get supported by joining the Energy Academy
Try this emotional release technique next time you remember an emotionally charged memory or you are triggered and feel a low-vibrating emotion. Come back to this article or write down the steps to be able to apply them to the emotion so you can release it and bring back energy into your life.
And if you’d like some more support on learning this technique, then join the Energy Academy. This is one of the tools you learn throughout the program and we dive deeper into the topic of energy, emotional intelligence and biology to provide you with the highest level of clarity. No questions stay unanswered, so you know exactly what to do.
Thank you for reading and I hope this revelation about your energy levels is going to change your life.